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Cannabis sativa


Planet:   Saturn
Energie: leicht trocken und leicht kühl

Blähungen Wind
Husten Cough
Gelbsucht Jaundice
Galle Gall
Galle Choller
Ausfluss Flux
Kolik Chollick
Blutungen Bleeding
Würmer Worms
Ohrwürmer Earwigs
Entzüdung Inflamation
Gicht Gout
Geschrumpfte Sehnen Sinews shrunk

Description: This is so well known to every good Huswife in the Country, that I shal not need to write any Description of it.
Place: -
Time: It is sown in the end of March, or beginning of April, and is ripe in August or September.
Use: The Seed of Hemp consumeth Wind, and by the much use thereof disperseth it so much that it drieth up the natural Seed for Procreation; yet being boyled in Milk and taken, helpeth such as have a hot dry Cough. The Dutch make an Emulsion out of the Seed, and give it with good success to those that have the Jaundice, especially in the beginning of the Disease if there be no Ague accompanying it, for it openeth Obstructions of the Gall, and causeth digestion of Choller. The Emulsion or Decoction of the Seed staieth Lasks and continual Fluxes, easeth the Chollick, and allayeth the troublesom Humors in the Bowels, and staieth bleeding at the Mouth, Nose, or other place, some of the Leavs being fried with the Blood of that bleed, and so given them to eat. It is held very good to kill the Worms in man or Beast, and the Juyce dropped into the Ears killeth Worms in them, and draweth forth Earwigs, or other living Creatures gotten into them.
The Decoction of the Root allayeth Inflamations in the Head or any other parts; the Herb it self, or the Distilled Water thereof doth the like: The Decoction of the Roots easeth the pains of the Gout, the hard Tumors, or Knots in the Joynts, the pains and shrinking of the Sinews, and the pains of the Hips: The fresh Juyce mixed with a little Oyl and Butter, is good for any place that hath been burnt with fire being thereto applied.
It is a Plant of Saturn, and good for something els you see than to make Halters only.
Edgenote: Wind, Cough, Jaundice, Gall, Choller. Flux, Chollick, Bleeding, Worms, Earwigs, Inflamation, Gout, Sinews shrunk.

22.12.2024 J.N.