Warning: mysqli_connect(): Headers and client library minor version mismatch. Headers:50550 Library:50640 in /var/www/web257/html/wurzli/dbconnect.php on line 2 HEMLOCK


Schierling gefleckter

Conium maculatum


Planet:   Saturn
Energie: sehr trocken und extrem kalt

Entzüdungen Inflamations
Antoniusfeuer (Ergotismus) St Anthonies Fire
Pusteln Tetters
Haarflechte (Ringelflechte) Ringworms
Augen Eyes
Augenerkrankung mit Belag Pin and web
Gicht Gout
Blutegel Lechery

Description: The Common great Hemlock groweth up with a green stalk four or five foot high or more, ful of red spots somtimes, and at the Joynts very large winged leavs set at them which are divided into many other winged leaves, one set against another dented about the edges, of a sad green colour branched towards the top where it is full of Umbles of white Flowers, and afterwards with whitish flat Seed: The Root is long, white, and somtimes crooked and hollow within, the whol Plant and every part hath a strong, heady, and ill favor'd scent, much offending the Senses.
Place: It groweth in all Countries of this Land by Wals and Hedges sides, in wast Grounds and untilled places.
Time: It Flowreth and Seedeth in July, or there abouts.
Use: Hemlock is exceeding cold and very dangerous, especially to be taken inwardly: It may safely be applied to Inflamations, Tumors, and Swelling in any part of the Body (save the Privy parts) as also to St. Anthonies fire Wheals, Pushes, and creeping Ulcers that rise of hot sharp Humors, by cooling and repelling the heat. The Leavs bruised and laid to the Brow or Forehead, is good for their Eyes that are red and swollen, as also to take away a Pin and Web growing in the Eye, this is a tried Medicine; Take a smal Handful of the Herb and half so much Bay Salt beaten together, and applied to the contrary Wrest of the Hand for twenty four Hours, doth remove it in thrice dressing. If the Root hereof be roasted under the Embers, wrapped in double wet Papers, until it be soft and tender, and then applied to the Gout in the Hands or Fingers it will quickly help this evil. If any shall through mistake eat the Herb Hemlock instead of Parsly, or the Root instead of a Parsnip (both which it is very like) whereby hapneth a kind of Phrensie, or Perturbation of the senses, as if they were stupified or drunk, The Remedy is as Pliny saith, to drink of the best and strongest pure Wine, before it strike to the Heart, or Gentian put into Wine or a draught of good vinegar, wherewith Tragus doth affirm that he cured a Woman that had eaten the Root.
Saturn claims Dominion over the Herb, yet I wonder why it may not be applied to the privities in a Priapismus, or continual standing of the Yard, it being very beneficial for that Disease; I suppose my Authors Judgment was first upon the opposit Disposition of Saturn to Venus in those Faculties, and therfore he forbid the applying of it to those parts that it might not caus Barrenness, or spoil the Spirit Procreative, which if it do, yet applied to the Privities it stops lustful thoughts.
Edgenote: Inflamations, St Anthonies Fire, Tetters, Ringworms, Eyes, Pin and web, Gout, Lechery.

22.12.2024 J.N.