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THE HAWTHORN | |||||||||||||||
WeissdornCrataegus oxyacanthaHawthornPlanet: Mars
Stichworte: |
Description: | It is not my intent to trouble you with a Description of this Tree which is so well known that it needeth none. It is ordinarily but a Hedg Bush, although being pruned and dressed it groweth to be a Tree of a reasonable height. As for the Hawthorn tree at Glastenbury, which is said to flower yearly on Christmas Day, it rather shews the superstition of those who observe it for the time of its Flowring, than any great wonder, sith the like may be found in diverse other places of this land, as in Whey-street in Rumney Marsh, and neer unto Nantwiche in Cheshire by a place called White-Green, where if the Winter be milde they will be white blossomes all over before and about Christmas, as in May, if the weather be frosty, it Flowreth not until January, or that the hard weather be over. |
Place: | may be found in diverse other places of this land, as in Whey-street in Rumney Marsh, and neer unto Nantwiche in Cheshire by a place called White-Green | ||||||||||||||
Time: | if the Winter be milde they will be white blossomes all over before and about Christmas, as in May, if the weather be frosty, it Flowreth not until January, or that the hard weather be over | ||||||||||||||
Use: | The Berries or the seed in the Berries beaten to pouder and drunk in wine, are held singular good against the stone and are good for the dropsy. The distilled water of the Flowers stayeth the lask. The seeds cleared from the Down, bruised and boyled in wine & drunk is good for inward tormenting pains: If cloathes and spunges be wet in the said distilled water and applyed to any place wherin thornes, splinters or the like do abide in the Flesh, it will notably draw them forth. And thus you see the thorn gives a medicine for his own pricking, and so doth almost every thing else. |
Edgenote: | Stone, Dropsie, Flux, Inward pains, Splinters, Thorns. | ||||||||||||||
22.12.2024 J.N. |