Warning: mysqli_connect(): Headers and client library minor version mismatch. Headers:50550 Library:50640 in /var/www/web257/html/wurzli/dbconnect.php on line 2 HAWKWEED



Hypochoeris radicata


Planet:   Saturn
Energie: mässig trocken und mässig kühl

Kühlt Cools
Trocknet Dries
Zusammenziehend Binds
Nagendes Gefühl im Magen Gnawing in the Stomach
Entzüdungen Inflamations
Wechselfieber Agues
Rohes Essen Crudity
Schmerzhafter Harndrang Disury
Giftige Tiere Venemous Beasts
Gift Poyson
Wassersucht Dropsie
Phlegma Flegm
Kolik Chollick
Milz Spleen
Augen Watching
Liebes - Lustlosigkeit Lust stops
Erotische Träume Venerious Dreams
Nieren - Lenden Reins
Blase Bladder
Augen Eyes
Geschwüre Ulcers
Verbrennungen Burnings
Entzüdungen Inflamations
Antoniusfeuer (Ergotismus) St Anthonies Fire
Hitze Heat
Salzies Phlegma salt Flegm
Zuckungen Convulsion
Krämpfe Cramp
Sommersprossen Freckles
Flecken Spots
Ausbruch durch Lepra oder Skorbut Morphew
Falten Wrinkles

Description: This hath many large hairy leaves lying on the ground, much rent or torn on the sides into many gashes like Dandelion but with greater parts more like the smooth sow Thistle from among wth ariseth a hollow rough stalk two or three foot high branched from the middle upward, wherin are set at every Joynt longer leaves, little or nothing rent or cut in, bearing at their tip sundry pale, yellow Flowers consisting of many small narrow leavs, broad pointed and nicked in at the ends, set in a double row or more, the outermost beeing larger than the inner, which form most of the Hawkweeds (for there are many kinds of them) do hold, which turne into down, and with the small brownish seeds, is blown away with the wind: The Roote is long somwhat greater with many small fibres thereat. The whole is full of bitter milke.
Place: It groweth in divers places about Field sides, and the path waies in dry grounds.
Time: It flowreth & flies away in the Sumer Months.
Use: Hawkweed (saith Dioscorides) is cooling somwhat drying and binding, and therfore good for the heat of the stomach, and gnawings therein, for Inflamations and the hot fits of Agues. The Juice therof in wine helpeth digestion, discusseth wind, hindreth crudities abiding in the stomack, and helpeth the difficulty of making Water, the biting of Venemous Serpents, and sting of the Scorpion, if the herb be also outwardly applyed to the place, and is very good against all other Poysons. A scruple of the dryed Juyce given in wine and vinegar is profitable for those that have the Dropsie. The decoction of the Herb taken with Honey, digesteth thin flegm in the chest or lungs, and with Hysop helpeth the cough. The Decoction therof and of wild Succory made with wine and taken helpeth the wind chollick and hardness of the spleen, it procureth rest and sleep, hindereth venery and venereous dreams, cooleth, heats, purgeth the stomach, encreaseth blood, & helpeth the diseases of the Reins and Bladder. Outwardly applied it is singular good for all the defects and diseases of the eyes, used with some womens Milke, and is used wth good success in fretting or creeping ulcers, especially in the beginning. The green Herb bruised and with a little Salt applyed to any place burnt with fire before blisters do arise, helpeth them, as also inflamations St. Anthonies fire and al Pushes, and eruptions, heat, and salt Flegm. The same applyed with Meal and salt water in manner of a Poltis to any place affected with convulsions and the Cramp or such as are out of Joynt doth give help and ease. The distilled water clenseth the skin and taketh away freckles, Spots, the Morphew or Wrinkles in the face.
Edgenote: Cools, Dries, Binds, Gnawing in the Stomach, Inflamations, Agues, Crudity, Disury, Venemous Beasts, Poyson, Dropsie, Flegm, Chollick, Spleen, Watching, Lust stops, Venerious Dreams, Reins, Bladder, Eyes, Ulcers, Burnings, Inflamations, St Anthonies Fire, Heat, salt Flegm, Convulsion, Cramp, Freckles, Spots, Morphew, Wrinkles.

22.12.2024 J.N.