Warning: mysqli_connect(): Headers and client library minor version mismatch. Headers:50550 Library:50640 in /var/www/web257/html/wurzli/dbconnect.php on line 2 THE HAZEL NUT



Corylus avellana

Hazel Nut

Planet:   Merkur
Energie: neutral warm und leicht trocken

Husten Cough
Lungentuberkulose Phtisick
Ausfluss Flux
Stoppt die Menstruation Terms stops

Description: These ar so well known to every Boy, that they need no Description.
Place: -
Time: -
Use: The parched Kernels made into an Electuary, or the Milk drawn from the Kernels with Mead or Honeyed Water, is very good to help an old Cough; and being parched and a little Pepper put to them and drunk digesteth the Distillations of Rhewm from the Head: The dried Husks and Shels to the weight of two drams taken in red Wine, staieth Lasks, and Womens Courses, and so doth the red Skin that covers the Kernels which is more effectual to stay Womens Courses.
And if this be true as it is, then why should the Vulgar so familiarly affirm, that eating Nuts causeth shortness of Breath than which nothing is falser, for how can that which strengthens the Lungues cause shortness of breath? I confess the Opinion is far older than I am, I knew Tradition was a Friend to Errors before, but never that he was the Father of Slanders, or are mens tongues so given to slandering one another that they must slander Nuts too, to keep their tongues in use? If any thing of the Hazel Nut be stopping 'tis the Husks and Shels, and no body is so mad to eat them unless Physically, and the red Skin which covers the Kernel which you may easily pull off. And thus have I made an Apology for Nuts which cannot speak for themselves.
Edgenote: Cough, Phtisick, Flux, Terms stops.

22.12.2024 J.N.