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Asplenium scolopendrium

Hart's Tongue

Planet:   Jupiter
Energie: leicht trocken und leicht kühl

Milz Spleen
Leber Liver
Ausfluss Flux
Blutiger Ausfluss Bloody flux
Schluckauf Hiccough
Zahnfleisch Gums
Giftige Tiere Venemous Beasts

Description: This hath divers Leavs rising from the Root every one severally which fold themselvs in their first springing and spreading; when they are full grown are about a foot long, smooth and green above, but hard and with little Sap in them, and straked on the back athwart on both sides of the middle Rib, with smal and somwhat long brownish marks; the bottoms of the Leavs are a little bowed on each side of the middle Rib somwhat narrow with the length, and somwhat smal at the end. The Root is of many black threds, folded or interlaced together.
Place: -
Time: It is green all the Winter, but new Leavs spring every yeer.
Use: Harts-Tongue is much commended against the hardness and stoppings of the Spleen and Liver, and against the heat of the Liver and Stomach, and against Lasks and the Bloody Flux: The Distilled Water therof is also very good against the Passions of the Heart, and to stay the Hiccough, to help the falling of the Pallat, and stay the bleeding of the Gums being gargled in the mouth. Dioscorides saith it is good against the stinging or biting of Serpents.
Jupiter claims Dominion over this Herb, therfore is a singular Remedy for the Liver, both to strengthen it when weak, and eas it when afflicted, ' tis no matter by what you should do well to keep it in a Syrup all the yeer, for though my Author say 'tis green all the yeer, I scarce beleev it.
As for the use of it, my Directions at latter end will be sufficient, and enough for those that are studious in Physick to whet their Brains upon for one year or two.
Edgenote: Spleen, Liver, Flux, Bloody flux, Hiccough, Gums, Venemous Beasts.

22.12.2024 J.N.