Warning: mysqli_connect(): Headers and client library minor version mismatch. Headers:50550 Library:50640 in /var/www/web257/html/wurzli/dbconnect.php on line 2 WINTER GREEN


Kleines Wintergrün

Pyrola minor

Winter Green

Planet:   Saturn
Energie: sehr trocken und mässig kühl

Wunden Wounds
Geschwüre Ulcers
Nieren Kidneys
Blase Bladder
Ausfluss Flux
Blutiger Ausfluss Bloody flux
Stoppt die Menstruation Terms stops
Entzüdungen Inflamations
Mundgeschwüre Cankers
Fisteln Fistulaes

Description: This sendeth forth 7. 8. or 9 Leaves from a smal brownish creeping Root, every one standing upon a long Footstalk, which are almost as broad as long, round pointed, of a sad green colour and hard in handling, and like the Leaf of a Pear-tree, from whence ariseth a slender weak Stalk, yet standing upright, bearing at the top many smal, white and sweet smelling Flowers, laid open like a Star, consisting of five round pointed Leavs, with many yellowish threds standing in the middle, about a green Head, and a long stile with them, which in time groweth to be the Seed Vessel, which being ripe is found five square with a smal point at it, weerin is contained Seed as small as dust.
Place: It groweth seldom in the Fields, but frequently in the Woods Northwards, viz. In Yorkshire, Lancashire, and Scotland.
Time: It Flowreth about June or July.
Use: Winter-Green is a singular good Wound Herb and an especial Remedy for to heal green Wounds speedily, the green Leavs being brused and applied, or the Juyce of them: A Salve made of the green Herbs stamped or the Juyce boyled with Hogs Lard, or with Sallet Oyl and Wax, and some Turpentine added unto it, is a Soveragn Salve, and highly extolled by the Germans who much use it to heal all manner of Wounds and Sores. The Herb boyled in Wine and Water and given to drink to them that have any inward Ulcers in their Kidneys or Neck of the Bladder, doth wonderfully help them: It staieth also all Fluxes whether of Blood or Humors, as the Lask, bloody Flux, Womens Courses, and bleeding of Wounds, and taketh away any Inflamation rising upon pains of the Heart. It is no less helpful for foul Ulcers hard to be cured, as also for Cankers or Fistulaes. The distilled Water of the Herb doth effectually perfrom the same things.
Edgenote: Wounds. Ulcers, Kidneys, Bladder, Flux, Bloody flux, Terms stops, Inflamations, Cankers, Fistulaes.

22.12.2024 J.N.