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Lithospermum officinale

Common Gromwell

Planet:   Venus
Energie: mässig warm und mässig trocken

Steine Stone
Griess im Urin Gravel
Häufiger Harndrang Strangury
Wehen Travail in Women

Description: Of this I shall briefly describe three kinds which are principally used in Physick, the Vertues whereof are alike, though somwhat different in their manner and form of growing.
The greater Gromel groweth up with slender hard and hairy Stalks trailing and taking Root in the ground as it lieth thereon, and parted into many other smaller Branches with hairy dark green Leavs thereon. At the Joynts with the Leavs come forth very smal blew Flowers, and after them hard stony roundish Seed. The Root is long and woody abiding the Winter and shooting forth fresh Stalks in the Spring.
The smal wild Gromel sendeth forth divers upright hard branched Stalks two or three foot high, full of Joynts, at every of which growth smal, long, hard, and rough Leavs, like the former but lesser, among which Leavs come forth small white Flowers, and after them grayish round Seed like the former. The Root is not very long, but with many Strings thereat.
The Garden Gromel hath divers upright slender woody hairy Stalks brown and crested, very little branched, with Leavs like the former, and white Flowers, after which in rough brown Husks is contained a white hard round Seed shining like Pearls, & greater than either of the former: The Root is like the first described, with divers Branches and Strings thereat, which continueth (as the first doth) all Winter.
Place: The two first grow wild in barren or untilled places, and by the way sides in many places of this Land. The last is a Nursling in the Gardens of the curious.
Time: They all Flower from Midsummer unto September somtimes, and in the mean time the Seed ripeneth.
Use: These are accounted to be of as singular force as any other Herb or Seed whatsoever, to break the Stone, and to avoid it and the Gravel either in the Reins or Bladder; as also to provoke Urine being stopped, and to help the Strangury. The Seed is of greatest use, being bruised and boiled in white Wine, or in Broth, or the like, or the Pouder of the Seed taken therin: Two drams of the Seed in Pouder taken with Womens Breast-Milk, is very effectual to procure a speedy Delivery to such Women as have sore pains in their Travail and cannot be delivered. The Herb it self (when the Seed is not to be had) either boyled or the Juyce therof drunk, is effectual to all the purposes aforesaid but not so powerful or speedy in operation.
The Herbe belongs to Dame Venus, and therfore if Mars caus the Chollick or Stone, as usually he doth if in Virgo, this is your cure.
Edgenote: Stone, Gravel, Strangury, Travail in Women.

22.12.2024 J.N.