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GOLDEN ROD | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
GoldruteSolidago virgaureaGolden Rod (Common)Planet: Venus
Stichworte: |
Description: | This riseth up with brownish smal round Stalks two foot high and somtimes more, having thereon many narrow and long dark greene leaves very seldom with any dents about the edges, or any strakes or white spots therin, yet they are somtimes so found; divided at the tops into many small branches, with divers small yellow flowers on every one of them, all which are turned one way, and being ripe do turn into down & are caried away with the wind. The Root consisteth of many small fibres which grow not deep in the ground, but abideth all the winter therin, shooting forth new branches every yeer, the old ones dying downe to the ground. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Place: | It groweth in the open places of woods and Copses both moyst and dry grounds in many places of this Land. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Time: | It Flowreth about the Month of July. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Use: | Arnoldus de villa nova, commendeth it much against the Stone in the Reins and Kidneys, and to provoke Urine in abundance, whereby also the Gravel or Stone may be avoided. The Decoction of the Herb green or dry, or the distilled Water therof is very effectual for inward Bruises, as also to be outwardly applied, it stayeth bleedings in any part of the Body, and of Wounds also, the Fluxes of Humors, the Bloody Flux, and Womens Courses; and is no less prevalent in all Ruptures or Burstings, being drunk inwardly and outwardly applied. It is a Soveraign Wound Herb, inferior to none, both for inward and outward Hurts, green Wounds and old Sores and Ulcers are quickly cured therewith. It is also of especial use in all Lotions for Sores or Ulcers in the Mouth, Throat, or privy parts of Man or Woman: The Decoction also helpeth to fasten the Teeth that are loos in the Gums. Venus claims the Herb, and therefore to be sure, it restores Beauty lost. |
Edgenote: | Stone, Gravel, Disury, Wounds, Flux, Bloody Flux, Terms stops, Ruptures. Ulcers, Sore Mouth & Throat, Teeth loos, Beauty lost. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
22.12.2024 J.N. |