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STINKING GLADWIN | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
SchwertlilieIris foetidissimaGladwinPlanet: Saturn
Stichworte: |
Description: | This is one of the kinds of Flower-de-luces, having divers Leavs rising from the Roots very like a Flower-de-luce, but that they are sharp edged on both sides, and thicker in the middle, of a deeper green colour, narrower and sharper pointed and of a strong ill scent if they be bruised between the fingers: In the midle riseth up a reasonable strong Stalk a yard high at least, beareth 3 or 4 Flowers at the top made somwhat like the Flowers of the Flower-de-luce with three upright Leaves of a dead Purplish Ash-colour with some Veins discoloured in them, the other three do not fall down, nor the three other smal ones are so arched nor cover the lower leaves as the Flower-de-luce doth, but stand loose, or asunder from them: After they are past, there come up three square hard Husks opening wide into three parts when they are ripe, wherin lie reddish seed, turning black when it hath abidden long: The Root is like that of the Flower-de-luce but reddish on the outside, and whitish within, very sharp and hot in tast, of as evil a scent as the leavs. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Place: | This groweth as well on the upland grounds as also in moist places, in woods and shadowy places by the Sea side in many places of this Land, and is usually nursed up in Gardens. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Time: | It flowreth not until July, and the seed is ripe in August or September, yet the Huskes after they are ripe opening themselves, will hold their seeds within them for 2 or 3 Months, and not shedd them. |
Use: | It is used by many countrey people to purge corrupt tough Flegm and Choller which they do by drinking the decoction of the Root, and some to make it work more gently do but infuse the sliced roots in Ale, and some take the leavs wch serveth wel for the weaker stomachs. The Juyce herof put up, or snuffed up the nose causeth neezing, & draweth from the head much corruption; & the pouder therof doth the same: The Pouder therof drunke in wine, helpeth those that are troubled with Cramps, and Convulsion or wth the Gout or Sciatica and giveth ease to those that have any griping pains in their body or belly, and helpeth those that have the Strangury: It is given wth much profit to those that have had long Fluxes by the sharp & evil quality of humors, which it stayeth having first clensed & purged them by the drying and binding property therin. The Root boyled in wine and drunk doth effectually procure womens courses, and used as a Possary worketh the same effect, but causeth Abortion in women with child. Half a dram of the seed beaten to pouder and taken in wine doth speedily caus one to pis which otherwis cannot: The same taken with vinegar, dessolveth the hardnes & swellings of the spleen. The Root is very effectual in all Wounds, and specially of the head, as also to draw forth any splinters, Thornes, Broken bones, or any other thing sticking in the flesh without causing pain, being used with a little Verdigreese and Honey, and the great Centaury Root: The same boyled in Vinegar and laid upon any Tumor or Swelling, doth very effectually dissolve and consume them, yea even the swellings of the Throat called the Kings evil. The Juyce of the Leavs and Roots healeth the Itch and all running or spreading Scabs or Sores, and Blemishes or Scars in the Skin wheresoever they be. |
Edgenote: | Flegm, Choller, Head, Cramp, Convulsion, Gout, Sciatica, Belly-ach, Strangury, Fluxes. Terms provokes, Disury, Spleen, Wounds, Splinters, Thorns, broken Bones, Kings Evil, Itch, Scabs, Blemishes in the Skin. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
22.12.2024 J.N. |