Warning: mysqli_connect(): Headers and client library minor version mismatch. Headers:50550 Library:50640 in /var/www/web257/html/wurzli/dbconnect.php on line 2 GERMANDER


(Salbeiblättriger) Gamander

Teucrium scorodonia


Planet:   Merkur
Energie: sehr heiss und sehr trocken

Husten Cough
Milz Spleen
Schmerzhafter Harndrang Disury
Wassersucht Dropsie
Provoziert die Menstruation Terms provokes
Totgeburt Dead child
Gift Poyson
Geschwüre Ulcers
Krämpfe Cramps
Wechselfieber Agues
Epilepsie Falling sickness
Kopfschmerz Headach
Melancholie Melancholy
Stumpfer Geist dulness of Spirit
Zuckungen Convulsion
Lähmungen Palsey
Gelbsucht Yellow Jaundice
Würmer Worms

Description: Common Germander shooteth forth sundry stalks with small and somwhat round leavs, dented about the edges: The Flowers stand at the tops, of a deep purple colour: The Root is composed of divers sprigs, which shoot forth a great way round about, quickly over spreading a ground.
Place: It groweth usually with us in Gardens.
Time: And flowreth in June or July.
Use: This taken with Honey (saith Dioscorides) is a remedy for Coughs for hardnes of the Spleen, and difficulty of Urin, & helpeth those that are fallen into a Dropsie, especially at the beginning of the disease, a Decoction being made therof when it is green & drunk: It also bringeth down Womens Courses and expelleth the dead child:
It is most effectual against the poyson of al Serpents, being drunk in Wine and the bruised herb outwardly applyed used with Honey, it clenseth old and foul Ulcers, and made into an Oyl and the Eyes anoynted therwith, taketh away their dimness and moystness: It is likewise good for the paines in the sides: and Cramps. The Decoction thereof taken for some daies together, driveth away and cureth both Tertian and Quartan Agues. It is also good against all diseases of the brain as continual Headach Falling-sickness, Melancholly, Drowsines and Dulnes of spirit, Convulsions and Palseys. A dram of the seed taken in Pouder purgeth by Urine and is good against the yellow Jaundice. The Juyce of the leaves dropped into the eares killeth the worms in them: The tops therof when they are in flower steeped twenty four hours in a draught of white Wine and drunk, killeth wormes in the belly.
It is a most prevalent Herb of Mercury, and strengthens the brain and apprehention exceedingly; you may see what humane vertues are under Mercury in the latter end of my Ephemeris for 1651. Strengthen them when weak, relieve them, when drooping, by this Herb.
Edgenote: Cough, Spleen, Disury, Dropsie, Terms provokes, Dead child, Poyson, Ulcers, Cramps, Agues, Falling sickness, Headach, Melancholy, dulness of Spirit, Convulsion, Palsey, Yellow Jaundice, Worms.

22.12.2024 J.N.