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THE FURS-BUSH | |||||||||||||||||
StechginsterUlex europeusFurze-BushPlanet: Mars
Stichworte: |
Description: | This is so well known, as well by this name, as in some Countries by the name Gors, that I shal not need to write any Description therof, my intent being to teach my Country men what they know not, rather than to tell them again of that which is generally known before. | ||||||||||||||||
Place: | They are known to grow on dry barren Heaths, and other wast gravelly or sandy grounds in all Countries of this Land. | ||||||||||||||||
Time: | They also Flower in the Summer Months. | ||||||||||||||||
Use: | They are hot and dry good to open Obstructions of the Liver and Spleen. A Decoction made with the Flowers therof hath been found effectual against the Jaundice, as also to provoke Urine, and clens the Kidneys from Gravel or Stones ingender'd in them. It is a Plant of Mars, and doth all this by Sympathy. |
Edgenote: | Obstructions, Liver, Spleen, Yellow Jaundice, Disury, Gravel, Stone. | ||||||||||||||||
22.12.2024 J.N. |