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FUMITORY | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ErdrauchFumaria officinalisFumitoryPlanet: Saturn
Stichworte: |
Description: | Our common Fumitory is a tender sappy Herb, sending forth from one square slender weak Stalk and leaning downwards on all sides many Branches two or three foot long, with finely cut and jagged Leavs of a whitish or rather Blewish, Seagreen colour: At the tops of the Branches stand many small Flowers, as it were in a long spike one above another, made like little Birds of a reddish Purple colour with whitish Bellies: After which come small round Husks containing smal black Seed. The Root is yellow, smal, and not very long, ful of Juyce while it is green But quickly perishing with the ripe Seed: In the Corn Fields in Cornwal this beareth white Flowers. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Place: | It groweth in the Corn Fields almost every where as well as in Gardens. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Time: | It Flowreth in May for the most part, and the Seed ripeneth shortly after. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Use: | The Juyce or Syrup made thereof, or the Decoction made in Whey by it self, with some other purging or opening Herbs and Roots to caus it to work the better, (it self being but weak) is very effectual for the Liver and Spleen, opening the Obstructions thereof and clarifying the Blood from Saltish, Chollerick, and Adult Humors, which cause Lepry, Scabs, Tetters, and Itches, and such like breakings out of the Skin, and after the Purging doth strengthen all the inward parts; it is good also against the yellow Jaundice, and spendeth it by Urin, which it procureth in abundance. The Pouder of the dried Herb given for some time together cureth Melancholly, but the Seed is strongest in operation for all the former Diseases. The dististilled Water of the Herb is also of good effect in the former Diseases, and conduceth much against the Plague and Pestilence, being taken with good Treacle. The Distilled Water also, with a little Water and Honey of Roses helpeth all the Sores of the Mouth or Throat, being gargled often therwith. The Juyce dropped into the Eyes cleareth the Sight, and taketh away redness and other defects in them, although it procure some pain for the present and cause Tears. Dioscorides saith it hindreth any fresh springing of hairs on the Eyelids (after they be pulled away) if the Eyelids be anointed with the Juyce hereof with Gum Arabick dissolved therin. The Juyce of Fumitory and Docks mingled with Vinegar, and the places gently washed or wet therwith, cureth all sorts of Scabs, Pimples, Itches, Wheals, or Pushes which arise on the Face or Hands, or any other part of the Body. Saturn owns the Herb and presents it to the World as a Cure for his own Diseases, and a strengthner of the parts of the Body he rules: If by my Astrological Judgment of Diseases, from the Decombiture, you find Saturn Author of the Disease, or if by Direction from a Nativity you fear a Saturnine Disease approaching, you may by this Herb prevent it in the one, and cure it in the other; and therfore 'tis fit you keep a Syrup of it alwaies by you. |
Edgenote: | Liver, Spleen, Choller, Adult Melancholly, Madness, Forgetfulness, Jaundice, yellow & black. Pestilence, Sore Mouth & Throat, Eyes, Hairs, Scabs, Itch, Pimples, Wheals. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
22.12.2024 J.N. |