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| | | FLOWER-de-LUCE |
Iris, viele Arten
Fleur-De-Lys (Garden or Blue)
Planet: Mond
Energie: mässig warm und mässig trocken
| Stichworte: |
Magen |
Stomach |
Phlegma |
Flegm |
Galle |
Choller |
Gelbsucht |
Jaundice |
Wassersucht |
Dropsie |
Bauch |
Belly |
Seiten |
Sides |
Wechselfieber |
Agues |
Leber |
Liver |
Milz |
Spleen |
Steine |
Stones |
Zuckungen |
Convulsion |
Krämpfe |
Cramp |
Giftige Tiere |
Venemous Beasts |
Schmerzhafter Harndrang |
Disury |
Kolik |
Chollick |
Provoziert die Menstruation |
Terms provokes |
Husten |
Cough |
Niesen |
Sneesing |
Hämorrhoiden |
Hemorrhoids |
Zahnschmerzen |
Toothach |
Gelenke |
Joynts |
Sehnen |
Sinews |
Gicht |
Gout |
Ischias |
Sciatica |
Unterleib |
Womb |
Schnupfen |
Rhewm |
Brust |
Breast |
Wunden |
Wounds |
Geschwüre |
Ulcers |
Fisteln |
Fistulaes |
Mundgeschwüre |
Cankers |
| | | |
Description: |
This is so wel known, being nursed up in most Gardens, that I shall not need to spend time in writing a Description thereof. |
Place: |
in most Gardens |
Time: |
The Flaggy kinds thereof have the most Physical uses; the Dwarf kinds thereof flower in April, the greater sorts in May. |
Use: |
The Juyce or Decoction of the green Roots of the Flaggy kind of Flower-de-luce, with a little Honey drunk, doth purge and clens the Stomach of gross and tough Flegm and Choller therin; It helpeth the Jaundice and the Dropsie by evacuating those humors both upwards and downwards, and becaus it somwhat hurteth the Stomach, is not to be taken but with Honey and Spicknard. The same being drunk doth eas the pains and torments of the Belly and Sides, the shaking of Agues, the Diseases of the Liver and Spleen, the Worms in the belly, the Stone in the Reins, Convulsions or Cramps that come of cold Humors, it also helpeth those whose Seed passeth from them unawars; It is a Remedy against the bitings and stingings of Venemous Creatures being boyled in Water and Vineger and drunk: Being boyled in Wine and drunk it provoketh Urine, helpeth the Chollick, bringeth down Womens Courses; and made up into a Pessary with Honey, and put up into the Body, draweth forth the dead Child. It is much commended against the Cough to expectorate tough Flegm; It much easeth pains in the Head, and procureth sleep: Being put into the Nostrils it procureth Neesing, and therby purgeth the Head of Flegm: The Juyce of the Root applied to the Piles or Hemorrhoids giveth much eas. The Decoction of the Roots gargled in the Mouth easeth the Toothach, and helpeth a Stinking breath. The Oyl called Oleum Irinum if it be rightly made of the great broad Flag Flower-de-luce (and not of the great Bulbous blue Flower-de-luce as is used by some Apothecaries) and Roots of the same of the Flaggy kinds is very effectual to warm and comfort all cold Joynts and Sinews, as also the Gout and Sciatica, and mollifieth, dissolveth, and consumeth Tumors or Swellings in any part of the Body, as also of the Matrix: It helpeth the Cramp and Convulsion of the Sinews: The Head and Temples anointed therwith helpeth the Catark or thin Rhewm distilling from thence; and used upon the Breast or Stomach, helpeth to extenuate the cold tough Flegm. It helpeth also the pains and noise in the Ears, and the stench of the Nostrils. The Root it self either green or in Pouder helpeth to clens, heal, and incarnate Wounds, and to cover the naked Bones with Flesh again that Ulcers have made bare; and is also very good to clens and heal up Fistulaes and Cankers that are hard to be cured. |
Edgenote: |
Stomach, Flegm, Choller, Jaundice, Dropsie, Belly, Sides, Agues, Liver, Spleen, Stones, Convulsion, Cramp, Venemous Beasts, Disury, Chollick, Terms provokes, Cough. Sneesing, Hemorrhoids, Toothach, Joynts, Sinews, Gout, Sciatica, Womb, Rhewm, Breast, Wounds, Ulcers, Fistulaes, Cankers. |
| 22.12.2024 J.N. |