Warning: mysqli_connect(): Headers and client library minor version mismatch. Headers:50550 Library:50640 in /var/www/web257/html/wurzli/dbconnect.php on line 2 FLEAWORT


Flohsamen, Sand-Wegerich

Plantago arenaria (Plantago ramosa, Plantago psyllium)


Planet:   Saturn
Energie: mässig kühl und neutral feucht

Ausfluss Flux
Scharfe Ausscheidung Corrosion
Cholerische Chollerick
Säfte Humors
Wechselfieber Agues
Fieber Feavers
Entzüdung Inflamation
Durst Thirst
Heiserkeit Hoarseness
Salzige Säfte Salt Humors
Rippenfellentzündung Pleuresie
Hämorrhoiden Hemorrhoids
Kopfschmerz Headach
Migräne Megrim
Abszesse Apostums
Eiterbläschen Blains
Nesselsucht Wheals
Pickel und Beulen Pushes
Schmerzen Purples
Gicht Gout
Gelenke Joynts
Ischias Sciatica
Brustwarzen Nipples
Entzündet Brust Sore Breasts
Ohren Ears
Würmer Worms
Geschwüre Ulcers

Description: The ordinary Fleawort riseth up with a Stalk two Foot high, or more, full of Joynts and Branches on every side up to the top, and at every Joynt two small long and narrow whitish green Leavs somwhat hairy: At the tops of every Branch stand divers small short scaly or chaffy Heads, out of which come forth small whitish yellow threds, like to those of the Plantane Herbs, which are the Bloomings or Flowers. The Seed inclosed in those Heads is smal and shining while it is Fresh very like unto Fleas, both for colour and bigness, but turning black when it groweth old. The Root is not long but white, hard, and woody, perishing every yeer and rising again of its own Seed for divers yeers if it be suffered to shed: The whol Plant is somwhat whitish and hairy, smelling somwhat like Rozin.
There is another sort hereof differing not from the former in the manner of growing, but only that his Stalk and Branches being somwhat greater do a little more bow down to the ground: The Leavs are somwhat larger; the Heads somewhat lesser, the Seed alike; and the Root and Leavs abide all the Winter, and perish not as the former.
Place: The first groweth only in Gardens, the second plentifully in Fields that are neer the Sea.
Time: They Flower in July, or thereabouts.
Use: The Seed fried and so taken staieth the Flux or Lask of the Belly, and the corrosions that come by reason of hot, Chollerick, Sharp, and malignant Humors or by the too much purging of any violent Medicine, as Scammony or the like. The Muccilage of the Seed made with Rose Water, and a little Sugar Candy put therto is very good in all hot Agues and burning Feavers, and other Inflamations to cool the thirst, and lenify the dryness and roughness of the Tongue and Throat. It helpeth also hoarsness of the voice, and Diseases of the Breast and Lungs caused by heat, or sharp salt humors, and the Pluresie also. The Muccilage of the Seed made in Plantane Water, whereunto the Yolk of an Egg or two, and a little Populeon is put, is a most safe and sure Remedy to eas the sharpness, prickings, and pains of the Hemorrhoids or Piles, if it be laid on a cloath and bound therto. It helpeth also all Inflamations in any parts of the Body and the pains that come thereby, as the Headach and Megrim, and all hot Imposthumes or Swellings, or breakings out of the Skin, as Blains, Wheals, Pushes, Purples, and the like; as also the pains of the Joynts, and of those that are out of joynt; the pains of the Gout and Sciatica, the Bursting of yong Children, and the swelling of the Navel applied with Oyl of Roses and Vinegar. It is also very good to heal the Nipples and Sore Breasts of Women being often applied thereonto. The Juyce of the Herb with a little Honey put into the Ears helpeth the running of them, and the Worms breeding in them: The same also mixed with Hogs Greas, and applied to corrupt and filthy Ulcers and Sores, clenseth and healeth them.
The Herb is cold and dry, Saturnine, I suppose it obtained the name Fleawort becaus the Seeds are so like Fleas.
Edgenote: Flux, Corrosion, Chollerick, Humors, Agues, Feavers, Inflamation, Thirst, Hoarseness, Salt Humors, Pleuresie. Hemorrhoids, Headach, Megrim, Apostums, Blains, Wheals, Pushes, Purples, Gout, Joynts, Sciatica, Nipples, Sore Breasts, Ears, Worms, Ulcers.

22.12.2024 J.N.