Warning: mysqli_connect(): Headers and client library minor version mismatch. Headers:50550 Library:50640 in /var/www/web257/html/wurzli/dbconnect.php on line 2 THE YELLOW WATER-FLAG, or, FLOWER-de-LUCE



Iris pseudacorus

Flag (Yellow)

Planet:   Mond
Energie: extrem heiss und extrem trocken

Zusammenziehend Binds
Kühlt Cools
Trocknet Dries
Ausfluss Flux
Blutiger Ausfluss Bloody flux
Blutungen Bleeding
Stoppt die Menstruation Terms stops
Augen Eyes
Flecken Spots
Schönheitsfehler Blemishes
Entzüdungen Inflamations
Entzündete Brust Sore Breasts
Mundgeschwüre Cankers
Geschwüre Ulcers
- rühre mich nicht an - Noli me tangere

Description: This groweth like the Flower-de-luces, but it hath much longer, and narrower sad green Leavs joyned together in that fashion; the Stalk also groweth oftentimes as high, bearing smal yellow Flowers, shaped like the Flower-de-luce with three falling Leavs, and other three arched that cover their Bottoms; but instead of the three upright Leavs as the Flower-de-luce hath, this hath only three short pieces standing in their places, after which succeed thick and long three square Heads containing in each part somwhat big and Flat Seed like to those of the Flower-de-luces: The Root is long and slender, of a pale brownish colour on the outside, and of a Hore flesh colour on the inner side, with many hard fibres thereat, and very harsh in tast.
Place: It usually groweth in watery Ditches, Ponds, Lakes, and More sides which are alwaies overflown with water.
Time: It flowreth in July, and the Seed is ripe in August.
Use: The Root of this Water-Flag is very astringent, cooling, and drying, and therby helpeth all Lasks and Fluxes, whether of Blood or Humors, as bleeding at Mouth, Nose, or other parts, bloody Fluxes, and the immoderate Flux of Womens Courses. The distilled water of the whol Herb, Flowers, and Roots is a Soveraign good Remedy for watering Eyes, both to be dropped into them, and to have Cloathes or Spunges wetted therin and applied to the Forehead; It also helpeth the Spots or Blemishes that happen in or about the Eyes, or in any other parts: The said water fomented on Swellings and hot Inflamations of Womens sore Breasts, upon Cankers also, and those spreading Ulcers called Noli me Tangere, doth much good: It helpeth also foul Ulcers in the privy parts of man or woman, or elswhere. An Oyntment made of the Flowers is better for these external applications.
Take notice that the Moon rules the Plant and then I have done.
Edgenote: Binds, Cools, Dries, Flux, Bloody flux, Bleeding, Terms stops, Eyes, Spots, Blemishes, Inflamations, Sore Breasts, Cankers, Ulcers, Noli me tangere.

22.12.2024 J.N.