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FILIPENDULA, or DROPWORT | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Knollige Spierstaude, Kleines Mädesüss, FilipendelFilipendula hexapetalaDropwortPlanet: Venus
Stichworte: |
Description: | This sendeth forth many Leavs some bigger, some lesser, set on each side of a middle Rib, and each of them dented about the edges, somwhat resembling wild Tansie, or rather Agrimony, but harder in handling, among which riseth up one or more Stalks two or three Foot high, with like Leavs growing theron, and somtimes also divided into other Branches spreading at the top into many white sweet smelling Flowers, consisting of five Leavs apiece with some threds in the middle of them standing together in a tuft or Umbel each upon a smal Footstalk, which after they have been open and blown a good while do fall away, and in their places appear smal, round chaffy heads like Buttons wherein are the chaffy Seed set and placed. The Root consists of many smal black tuberous pieces, fastned together by many smal long blackish Strings which run from one to another. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Place: | It groweth in many places of this Land, in the Corners of dry Fields and Meadows, and their Hedg Sides. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Time: | They Flower in June and July, and their Seed is ripe in August. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Use: | It is very effectual to open the passages of the Urine, and help the Strangury, and all other pains of the Bladder and Reins, helping mightily to expel the Stone in the Kidnies or Bladder, and the Gravel also, and these are done by taking the Roots in Pouder, or a Decoction of them in white Wine, whereunto a little Honey is added: The same also helpeth to expel the Afterbirth. The Roots made into Pouder and mixed with Honey into the form of an Electuary doth much help them whose Stomachs are swollen, dissolving and breaking the Wind which was the cause therof, and is also very effectual for all diseases of the Lungs, as shortness of breath, wheesings, hoarsness of the Throat, and the Cough, and to expectorate cold Flegm, or any other parts thereabouts. It is called Dropwort becaus it helps such as piss by drops. |
Edgenote: | Disury, Strangury, Reins, Bladder, Stone, Gravel, Wind, Lungs, Wheesing, Hoarseness, Cough, Flegm. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
22.12.2024 J.N. |