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FIGWORT, or THROATWORT | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Braunwurz knotigeScrophularia nodosaFig-WortPlanet: Venus
Stichworte: |
Description: | The common great Figwort sendeth forth divers great, strong, hard, square, brown Stalks three or four Foot high, wherin grow large, hard, and dark green Leavs, two at a Joynt, which are larger and harder than Nettle Leavs, but not stinging: At the tops of the Stalks stand many purple Flowers set in Husks, which are somwhat gaping and open, somwhat like those of Water-Betony; after which come hard round Heads, with a small point in the middle, wherin lie small brownish Seed. The Root is great, white, and thick, with many branches at it growing aslope under the upper crust of the Ground, which abideth many yeers but keepeth not his green Leavs in Winter. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Place: | It groweth frequently in moist and shadowy Woods, and in the lower parts of Fields and Meadows. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Time: | It Flowereth about July, and the Seed will be ripe about a Month after the Flowers are fallen. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Use: | The Decoction of the Herb taken inwardly, and the bruised Herb applied outwardly dissolveth clotted or congealed Blood within the Body, coming by any Wound, Bruis, or Fall; and is no less effectual for the Kings Evil, or any other Knots, Kernels, Bunches or Wens growing in the Flesh whersoever, and for the Hemorrhoids or Piles, or other Knobs or Kernels which somtimes grow about the Fundament: An Oyntment made hereof, may be used at all times when the fresh Herb is not to be had. The distilled Water of the whol Plant, Roots and all is used for the same purposes, and drieth up the superfluous virulent moisture of hollow and corroding Ulcers; It taketh away all redness, Spots and Freckles in the Face, as also the Scurff or any foul Deformity therin, and the Leprosie likewise. Some Latin Authors call it Cervicria becaus 'tis apropriated to the Neck, and we Throatwort becaus 'tis apropriated to the Throat: Venus owns the Herb, and the Coelestial Bull will not deny it, therefore a better Remedy cannot be for the Kings Evil, becaus the Moon that rules the Diseas is exalted there, nor for any Diseas in the Neck, the rest of the Diseases specified, you may if you look see a very good reason for their cure by this Herb. |
Edgenote: | Congealed Blood by Wound, Bruise, or Fall, Kings Evil, Wens, Hemorrhoids, Fundament, Ulcers, Scurff, Spots, Freckles, Deformity, Leprosie. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
22.12.2024 J.N. |