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Foeniculum vulgare (Arethum foeniculum)

Fennel (Common)

Planet:   Merkur / Jungfrau
Energie: mässig warm und leicht trocken

Blähungen Wind
Schmerzhafter Harndrang Disury
Steine Stone
Fördert Milch Encreaseth Milk
Verbessert Milch Amends Milk
Schluckauf Hiccough
Verabscheut Fleisch Loathing of meat
Giftige Tiere Venemous Beasts
Gift Poyson
Pilze Mushroms
Stauungen der Leber Obstructions in the Liver
Milz Spleen
und Galle and Gall
Gelbsucht Yellow Jaundice
Gicht Gout
Krämpfe Cramp
Keuchen Wheesing
Provoziert die Menstruation Terms provokes
Nach der Geburt After Delivery
Reinigt Clens
Öffnet open
Beleibtheit (Fettsucht) Fatness
Augen Eyes

Description: Every Garden affordeth this so plentifully, that it needeth no Description.
Place: Every Garden
Time: -
Use: Fennel is good to break wind, to provoke Urine, and eas the pains of the Stone, and help to break it. The Leavs or Seed boiled in Barley Water and drunk is good for Nurses to encreas their Milk and make it more wholsom for the Child: The Leavs, or rather the Seed boyled in Water staieth the Hiccough, and taketh away that loathing which oftentimes hapneth to the Stomachs of Sick, and Feaverish Persons, and allayeth the heat therof. The Seed boyled in Wine and drunk, is good for those that are bitten by Serpents, or have eaten Poyson full Herbs or Mushroms: The Seed and the Root much more helpeth to open Obstructions of the Liver, Spleen, and Gall, and thereby helpeth the painful and windy swellings of the Spleen, and the yellow Jaundice, as also the Gout and Cramps. The Seed is of good use in Medicines to help shortness of breath, and Wheesing by stopping of the Lungs. It helpeth also to bring down the Courses and to clens the parts after delivery. The Roots are of most use in Physick Drinks and Broths that are taken to clens the Blood, to open Obstructions of the Liver to provoke Urine, and amend the ill colour in the Face after Sickness, and to caus a good habit through the Body: Both Leavs, Seeds, and Roots hereof are much used in Drinks or Broths, to make people more spare and lean that are too fat. The distilled Water of the whol Herb or the condensate Juyce dissolved, but especially the Natural Juyce that in hot Countries issueth out thereof of its own accord, dropped into the Eyes, clenseth them from mists and films that hinder the sight. The sweet Fennel is much weaker in Physical uses, than the common Fennel. The wild Fennel is stronger and hotter than the tame; and therefore most powerful against the Stone, but not so effectual to encreas Milk, because of its driness.
One good old fashion is not yet quite left off, viz. To boil Fennel with Fish, for it consumes that Flegmatick humor which Fish most plentifully afford and annoy the body by, therefore it is a most fit Herb for that purpose though few that use it know why or wherfore they do it, I suppose the Reason of its benefit this way is becaus it is an Herb of Mercury and under Virgo, and therfore bears Antipathy to Pisces. Dill is also an Herb of Mercury, which I forgot to certifie you of before.
Edgenote: Wind, Disury, Stone, Encreaseth Milk, Amends Milk, Hiccough, Loathing of meat, Venemous Beasts, Poyson, Mushroms. Obstructions in the Liver, Spleen, and Gall, Yellow Jaundice, Gout, Cramp, Wheesing, Terms provokes, After Delivery, Clens, open, Fatness, Eyes.

22.12.2024 J.N.