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Athyrium filix-femina

Lady Fern

Planet:   Merkur
Energie: -

Gemeiner Wurmfarn, Wanzenkraut

Dryopteris filix-mas

Male Fern

Planet:   Merkur
Energie: mässig warm und mässig trocken

Würmer Worms
Milz Spleen
Galle Choller
Phlegma Flegm
Magen Stomach
Wunden Wounds
Geschwüre Ulcers
Schlangen Serpents
Stechmücken Gnats
Giftige Tiere Venemous Beasts

Description: Of this there are two kinds principally to be noted; viz. The Male and Female: The Female groweth higher than the Male, but the Leavs therof are lesser, & more divided or dented; & of as strong a smel as the Male: The Vertues of them are both alike; and therfore I shall not trouble you with any further Description or distinction of them.
Place: They both grow on Heaths, and in shady places neer the Hedg sides in all Countries of this Land.
Time: They flourish and give their Seed at Mid-summer. The Femal Fern is that plant which is in Sussex called Brakes, the Seed of which some Authors hold to be so rare, such a thing there is I know, and may easily Be had upon Mid-summer Eve, and for ought yet I know two or three daies before or after, if not more.
Use: The Roots of both these sorts of Ferns, being bruised and boyled in Mead or Honyed Water, and drunk, killeth both the broad and long Worms in the Body; and abateth the Swelling and hardness of the Spleen. The green Leavs eaten, purgeth the Belly and Chollerick and waterish humors, but it troubles the Stomach. They are dangerous for Women with Child to meddle with, by reason they caus abortment. The Roots bruised and boyled in Oyl or Hogs greas, maketh a very profitable Oyntment to heal Wounds, or pricks gotten into the Flesh. The Pouder of them used in foul Ulcers, drieth up their Malignant moisture, and causeth their speedier healing: Fern being burned, the smoke therof driveth away Serpents, Gnats, and other noisom Creatures, which in the Fenny Countries do in the night time trouble and molest people lying in their Beds with their Faces uncovered it causeth Barrenness.
Edgenote: Worms, Spleen, Choller, Flegm, Stomach, Wounds, Ulcers, Serpents, Gnats, Venemous Beasts.

22.12.2024 J.N.