Warning: mysqli_connect(): Headers and client library minor version mismatch. Headers:50550 Library:50640 in /var/www/web257/html/wurzli/dbconnect.php on line 2 EYEBRIGHT



Euphrasia officinalis


Planet:   Sonne / Löwe
Energie: sehr heiss und sehr trocken

Augen Eyes
Düsterkeit Dimness
Gehirn Brain
Gedächtnis Memory

Description: The common Eyebright is a small low Herb, rising up usually but with one blackish, green Stalk, a span high, or not much more, spread from the bottom into sundry Branches, wheron are set smal and almost round, yet pointed dark, green, Leavs finely snipped about the edges, two alwaies set together, and very thick: At the Joynts with the leavs from the middle upward, come forth small white Flowers stryped with purple and yellow Spots or stripes; after which follow small round Heads with very small Seed therin: The Root is long, small, and threddy at the end.
Place: It groweth in many Meadows, and grassy places, in this Land.
Time: -
Use: If this Herb were but as much used as it is neglected, it would half spoil the Spectacle makers Trade; and a man would think that reason should teach people to prefer the preservation of their Natural before Artificial Spectacles: which that they may be instructed how to do, take the Vertues of Eyebright as followeth.
The Juyce or distilled Water of Eyebright taken inwardly in white Wine or Broth, or dropped into the Eyes for divers daies together, helpeth all infirmities of the Eyes that caus dimness of Sight: Some make a Conserv of the Flowers to the same effect: Being used any of these waies it also helpeth a weak Brain or Memory, This tunned up with strong Beer that it may work together, and drunk; Or the Pouder of the dried Herb mixed with Sugar, a little Mace, and Fennel Seeds, and drunk or eaten in Broth: Or the said Pouder made into an Electuary with Sugar and taken, hath the same powerful effect to help and restore the Sight decaied through age. And Arnoldus de villa nova, saith, It hath restored Sight to them that have been blind a long time before.
It is under the Sign of the Lyon, and Sol claims Dominion over it.
Edgenote: Eyes, Dimness, Brain, Memory.

22.12.2024 J.N.