Warning: mysqli_connect(): Headers and client library minor version mismatch. Headers:50550 Library:50640 in /var/www/web257/html/wurzli/dbconnect.php on line 2 THE ELM TREE



Ulmus minor (Ulmus carpinifolia)


Planet:   Saturn
Energie: mässig trocken und mässig kühl

Wunden Schorf Wounds Scurff
Lepra Leprosie
Schönheit Beauty
Zerrungen Ruptures
Schwellungen Swellings
Kahlheit Baldness
Gicht Gout
Verbrennungen Burning

Description: This Tree is so well known, growing generally in all Countries of this Land; that it is needless to describe it.
Place: -
Time: -
Use: The Leavs herof bruised and applied healeth green Wounds being bound thereon with its own Bark: The Leavs or the Bark used with Vinegar, cureth Scurf, and Lepry very effectually: The Decoction of the Leavs, Bark or Root, being bathed, healeth broken Bones. The Water that is found in the Bladders on the Leavs, while it is fresh, is very effectual to clens the Skin and make it fair: and if clothes be often wet therin and applied to the Ruptures of Children it helpeth them; if they be after wel bound up with a Truss. The said Water put into a Glass, and set in the Ground, or els in Dung for twenty five daies, the Mouth therof being close stopped; and the bottom set upon a lay of ordinary Salt, that the Feces may setttle and the Water become very cleer, is a singular and Soveraign Balm for green Wounds, being used with soft tents: The Decoction of the Bark of the Root fomented mollifieth hard tumors, and the shrinking of the Sinews. The Roots of the Elm boyled for a long time in Water, and the fat rising on the top therof being clean scummed off, and the place anointed therwith that is grown Bald, and the Hair fallen away, will quickly restore them again. The said Bark, ground with Brine and Pickle until it come to the form of a Pultis and laid on the place pained with the Gout, giveth great eas. The Decoction of the Bark in Water is excellent to bath such places as have burned with fire.
Edgenote: Wounds Scurff, Leprosie, Beauty, Ruptures, Swellings, Baldness, Gout, Burning.

22.12.2024 J.N.