Warning: mysqli_connect(): Headers and client library minor version mismatch. Headers:50550 Library:50640 in /var/www/web257/html/wurzli/dbconnect.php on line 2 DUCKSMEAT



Lens esculenta (Lens culinaris)

Duck's Meat

Planet:   Mond / Krebs
Energie: sehr kalt und sehr feucht

Entzüdungen Inflamations
Antoniusfeuer (Ergotismus) St Anthonies Fire
Seuchen Pestilence
Augen Eyes
Hodenschwellung Swillings of the Cods
Kopfschmerz Headach

Description: This is so well known to swim on the top of standing Waters, as Ponds, Pools, and Ditches, that it is needless further to describe it.
Place: known to swim on the top of standing Waters, as Ponds, Pools, and Ditches
Time: -
Use: It is effectual to help Inflamations and St. Anthonies fire, as also the Gout, either applied by it self, or in a Pultis with Barley Meal. The distilled Water herof is by some highly esteemed, against all inward Inflamations, and Pestilent Feavers; as also to help the redness of the Eyes, the Swellings of the Cods, and of the Breasts before they be grown too much. The fresh Herb applied to the Forehead, easeth the Pains of the Head-ach coming of heat.
Cancer claims the Herb, and the Moon wil be Lady of it, a word is enough to a Wise man.
Edgenote: Inflamations, St Anthonies Fire, Pestilence, Eyes, Swillings of the Cods, Headach.

22.12.2024 J.N.