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Weicher Storchenschnabel
Geranium molle
Dove's Foot
Planet: Mars
Energie: mässig warm und mässig trocken
| Stichworte: |
Kolik |
Chollick |
Steine |
Stone |
Griess im Urin |
Gravel |
Wunden |
Wounds |
Geronnenes Blut |
Congealed Blood |
Wunde Stellen |
Sores |
Geschwüre |
Ulcers |
Fisteln |
Fistulaes |
Gicht |
Gout |
Sehnen |
Sinews |
Zerrungen |
Ruptures |
| | | |
Description: |
This hath divers small, round, pale, green Leavs, cut in about the edges, much like Mallows, standing upon long reddish hairy Stalks lying in a round compass upon the ground; among which rise up two or three, or more reddish Joynted, slender, weak, and hairy Stalks, with some such like Leavs thereon, but smaller, and more cut in up to the tops, where grow many very smal, bright, red Flowers of five Leavs apiece after which follow smal Heads, with smal short beaks pointing forth, as all other sorts of these Herbs do. |
Place: |
It groweth in Pasture Grounds, and by the Path sides in many places and wil also be in Gardens. |
Time: |
It Flowreth in June, July, and August, some earlier, and some later and the Seed is ripe quickly after. |
Use: |
It is found by experience to be singular good for the Wind Chollick, and pains thereof, as also to expel the Stone and Gravel in the Kidnies. The Decoction thereof in Wine is an exceeding good Wound Drink for those that have inward Wounds, Hurts, or Bruises, both to stay the bleeding to dissolve and expel the congealed Blood, and to heal the parts, as also to clens, and heal outward Sores, Ulcers, and Fistulaes; and for green Wounds many do but bruise the Herb, and apply it to the place, and it healeth them quickly. The same Decoction in Wine fomented to any place pained with the Gout, or to Joynt-aches, or pain, of the Sinews giveth much eas. The Pouder, or Decoction of the Herb taken for some time together is found by experience to be singular good for Ruptures, and Burstings in People, either yong or old. |
Edgenote: |
Chollick, Stone, Gravel, Wounds, Congealed Blood, Sores, Ulcers, Fistulaes, Gout, Sinews, Ruptures. |
| 22.12.2024 J.N. |