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DOGS-GRASS or QUICH-GRASS | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Kriechende Quecke, SchliessgrasAgropyrum repens (Elytrigia repens)Dog's GrassPlanet: Jupiter
Stichworte: |
Description: | It is well known that this Grass creepeth far about under ground with long white joynted Roots, and smal fibres almost at every Joynt very sweet in tast, as the rest of the Herb is, and interlacing one another, from whence shoot forth many fair long grassy Leavs small at the ends and cutting or sharp on the edges. The Stalks are joynted like Corn with the like Leavs on them, and a long spiked Head with long Husks on them and hard rough Seed in them. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Place: | It groweth commonly through this Land in divers plowed grounds, to the no smal trouble of the Husbandman, as also of the Gardiners in Gardens to weed it out if they can, for it is a constant Customer to the place it gets footing in. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Time: | - | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Use: | This is the most Medicinable of all the Quich-grasses: Being boyled and drunk it openeth Obstructions of the Liver and Gall, and the stoppings of the Urin, and easeth the griping pains of the Belly, and Inflamations; wasteth the matter of the Stone in the Bladder, and the Ulcers thereof also: The Roots brused and applied doth consolidate Wounds: The Seed doth more powerfully expel Urin, and stayeth the Lask, and Vomitings; The distilled Water alone, or with a little Wormfeed killeth the Worms in Children. The way of use is to bruis the Roots, and having well boyled them in white Wine, drink the Decoction; 'tis opening, but not purging very safe; 'tis a Remedy against all Diseases coming of Stopping and such are half those which are incident to the Body of man; and although a Gardiner be of another opinion, yet a physitian holds half an Acre of them to be worth five Acres of Carrots twice told over. |
Edgenote: | Liver, Gall, Disury, Griping, Inflamations, Ulcers, in the Bladder, Wounds, Vomiting, Worms, Stopping. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
22.12.2024 J.N. |