Warning: mysqli_connect(): Headers and client library minor version mismatch. Headers:50550 Library:50640 in /var/www/web257/html/wurzli/dbconnect.php on line 2 DODDER OF TIME, or EPITHIMUM, and other DODDERS



Cuscuta europea

Dodder Of Thyme

Planet:   Saturn
Energie: -

Melancholie Melancholy
Schwermütige Galle Addust Choller
Zittern Trembling
Ermattung fainting
Ohnmacht swooning
Milz Spleen
Hypochondrie Hypochondria
Stauungen Obstructions
Galle Gall
Gelbsucht Jaundice
Leber Liver
Schmerzhafter Harndrang Disury

Description: This first from seeds giveth Roots in the ground, which shooteth forth threads or Strings, grosser or finer, as the property of the Plant wherein it groweth, and the climate doth suffer, creeping and spreading on that Plant wheron it fastneth, be it high or low. These Strings have no Leavs at all upon them but wind and interlace themselves so thick upon a smal Plant that it taketh away all comfort of the Sun from it, and is ready to choke or strangle it: After these Strings are risen up to that Height that they may draw Nourishment from the Plant, they seem to be broken off from the ground, either by the strength of ther rising, or withered by the heat of the Sun. Upon these Strings are found clusters of small Heads or Husks, out of which start forth whitish Flowers, which afterwads give smal pale colour'd Seed somwhat flat, and twice as big as Poppy Seed. It generally participates of the Nature of that Plant which it climbeth upon, but the Dodder of Time is accounted the best, and is the only true Epithimum.
Place: -
Time: -
Use: This is accounted the most effectual for Melanchollick Diseases, and to purge black or burnt Choller, which is the caus of many Diseases of the Head and Brains, as also for the trembling of the Heart, faintings, and swounings. It is helpful in all Diseases and Griefs of the Spleen, and of that Melancholly that ariseth from the windiness of the Hypochondria. It purgeth also the Reins or Kidneys by Urin. It openeth Obstructions of the Gall, wherby it profiteth them that have the Jaundice; as also of the Liver, and Spleen; purging the Veins of Chollerick and Flegmatick Humors, and helpeth Childrens Agues, a little Wormfeed being put therto.
The other Dodders do (as I said before) participate of the Nature of those Plants whereon they grow: As that which hath been found growing upon Nettles in the West Country, hath by experience been found very effectual to procure plenty of Urin where it hath been stopped or hindred. And so of the rest.
All Dodders are under Saturn. Tell not me of Physitians crying up Epithimum, or that Dodder which grows upon Time (most of which comes from Hymettus in Greece, or Hybla in Sicilia, becaus those Mountains abound with Time) he is a Physitian indeed that hath wit enough to chuse his Dodder according to Nature of the Diseas and Humor peccant, we confess, Time is the hottest Herb it usually grows upon, and therfore that which grows upon Time is hotter than that which grows upon colder Herbs, for it draws Nourishment from what it grows upon as well as from the Earth where its Root is and thus you see old Saturn is wise enough to have two Strings to his Bow.
Sympathy and Antipathy, are the two Hinges upon which the whol Moddel of Physick turns, and that Physitian which minds them not is like a Door off from the Hooks, more likely to do a man a mischief than to secure him: then all the Diseases Saturn causeth, this helps by Sympathy, & strengthens al the parts of the Body he rules, such as caused by Sol it helps by Antipathy, what those Diseases are see my Judgment of Diseases by Astrology, and you be pleased to look the Herb Wormwood, you shal find a Rational way for it.
Edgenote: Melancholy, Addust Choller, Trembling, fainting, swooning, Spleen, Hypochondria, Obstructions, Gall, Jaundice, Liver, Disury.

22.12.2024 J.N.