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DOCK | |||||||||||||||||
Sumpfblättriger AmpferRumex obtusifoliusDock (Common)Planet: Jupiter
Stichworte: |
Description: | These are so wel known many kinds of them, that I shall not trouble you with a Description of them; my Book grows big too fast. | ||||||||||||||||
Place: | - | ||||||||||||||||
Time: | - | ||||||||||||||||
Use: | All of them have a kind of cooling(but not all alike) drying quality the Sorrels being most cold, and the Bloodworts most drying: Of the Bur-dock I have spoken already by himself. The Seed of most of the other kinds whether of the Garden or Field, do stay Lasks or Fluxes of all sorts, the loathings of the Stomach through Choller, and is helpful to those that spit Blood. The Roots boyled in Vinegar helpeth the Itch, Scabs, and breakings out of the Skin if it be bathed therwith. The Distilled Water of the Herb and Roots hath the same Vertue, and clensth the Skin of Freckles, Morphews, and all other Spots and Discolourings therin. All Docks being boyled with Meat, make it boyled the sooner: Besides Bloodwort is exceeding strengthning to the Liver, and procures good Blood, being as wholsom a Pot Herb as any grows in a Garden, yet such is the nicity of our times forsooth, that Women will not put it in the Pot becaus it makes the Pottage black, Pride and Ignorance (a couple of Monsters in the Creation) preferring Nicity before Health. |
Edgenote: | Flux, Loathing of Meat, Spitting Blood, Scabs, Itch, Freckles, Morphew. | ||||||||||||||||
22.12.2024 J.N. |