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DEVILS-BIT | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
TeufelsabbissSuccisa pratensis (Scabiosa succisa)Devil's BitPlanet: Venus
Stichworte: |
Description: | This riseth up with a round green, smooth Stalk about two foot high set with divers long and somwhat narrow, smooth, dark, green Leavs, somwhat snip'd about the edges for the most part, being els al whol and not divided at al or but very seldom, even to the tops of the Branches which yet are smaller than those below, with one Rib only in the middle: At the end of each Branch standeth a round Head of many Flowers set together in the same manner or more neatly than the Scabious, and of a more blewish purple colour; which being past there followeth Seed that falleth away. The Root is somehat thick, but short and blackish with may Strings, abiding after Seed time many yeers. This Root was longer untill the Devil (as the Fryars say) bit away the rest of it for spight, envying its usefulness unto Man-kind. For sure he was not troubled with any Disease for which it is proper. There are two other sorts hereof in nothing unlike the former, save that the one beareth White and the other Blush colour'd Flowers. |
Place: | The first groweth as well in dry Meadows and Fields, as moist, in many places of this Land: But the other two are more rare, and hard to meet with, yet they are both found growing wild about Appledore, neer Rye in Kent. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Time: | They Flower not usually untill August. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Use: | The Herb or Root (all that the Devil hath left of it) being boyled in Wine and drunk is very powerful against the Plague, and all Pestilential Diseases or Feavers, Poysons also, and the bitings of Venemous Beasts; It also helpeth those that are inwardly bruised by any casualty, ar outwardly by Falls or Blows, dissolving the clotted Blood: and the Herb or Root beaten and outwardly applied, taketh away the black and blue Marks that remain in the Skin. The Decoction of the Herb, with Honey of Roses put therin is very effectual to help the inveterate tumors and Swellings of the Almonds and Throat, by often gargling the Mouth therwith. It helpeth also to procure Womens Courses, and easeth all pains of the Mother, and to break and discuss Winds therein and in the Bowels. The Pouder of the Root taken in Drink, driveth forth the Worms in the body: The Juyce, or distilled Water of the Herb is effectual for green Wounds, or old Sores, and clenseth the Body inwardly, and the Seed outwardly from Sores, Scurff, Itches, Pimples, Freekles, Morphew, or other deformities therof, but especially if a little Vitriol be dissolved therin. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Edgenote: | Pestilence, Feaver, Poyson, Venemous Beasts, Bruises, Falls, Clotted Blood, Swellings of the Throat, Mother, Wind, Worms, Wounds, Scurff, Itch, Dandriff, Pimples, Freckles, Morphew. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
22.12.2024 J.N. |