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| | | DILL |
Anethum graveolens
Planet: Merkur
Energie: sehr heiss und mässig trocken
| Stichworte: |
Schwellungen |
Swellings |
Schmerzens |
Pains |
Schlaffheit |
Loosness |
Erbrechen |
Vomiting |
Gebärmutter |
Mother |
Schluckauf |
Hiccough |
Raue und Zähe Säfte |
Raw and tough Humors |
Blähungen |
Wind |
Abszesse |
Apostums |
Geschwüre |
Ulcers |
Provoziert die Menstruation |
Terms provokes |
| | | |
Description: |
It is most usually sown in Gardens, and Grounds for the purpose, & is also found wild with us in some places. |
Place: |
It is most usually sown in Gardens, and Grounds for the purpose, & is also found wild with us in some places. |
Time: |
- |
Use: |
The Dill being boyled and drunk is good to eas Swellings & pains, it also stayeth the Belly, and Stomach from casting: The Decoction thereof helpeth Women that are troubled with the Pains and Windiness of the Mother, if they fit therin. It stayeth the Hiccough, being boyled in Wine and but smelled unto, being tied in a Cloth. The Seed is of more use than the Leavs and more effectual to digest raw and viscuous humors, and is used in Medicines that serve to expel Wind and the pains proceeding therfrom. The Seed being toasted or fried and used in Oyls or Plaisters, dissolveth the Imposthumes in the Fundament, and drieth up all moist Ulcers (especially in the secret parts.) The Oyl made of Dill is effectual to warm, to resolve Humors and Imposthumes, to eas pains and to procure rest. The Decoction of Dill be it Herb or Seed (only if you boyl the Seed you must bruis it) in white Wine, being drunk is a gallant expeller of Wind and provoker of the Terms. Dill is also an Herb of Mercury, which I forgot to certifie you of before. |
Edgenote: |
Swellings, Pains, Loosness, Vomiting, Mother, Hiccough, Raw and tough Humors, Wind, Apostums, Ulcers, Terms provokes. |
| 22.12.2024 J.N. |