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| | | DARNEL |
Taumel-Lolch, Dümmel, Rauschgras, Tobkraut
Lolium temulentum
Darnel (Red & White)
Planet: Saturn
Energie: mässig trocken und mässig kühl
| Stichworte: |
Gangrän |
Gangreans |
Mundgeschwüre |
Cankers |
Lepra |
Leprosie |
Ausbruch durch Lepra oder Skorbut |
Morphew |
Haarflechte (Ringelflechte) |
Ringworms |
Ischias |
Sciatica |
Dornen |
Thorns |
Splitter |
Splinters |
Knochenbrüche |
broken Bones |
Diabetes |
Diabets |
| | | |
Description: |
This hath all the Winter long, sundry long, fat, and rough Leavs, which when the Stalk riseth which is slender and joynted, are narrower, but rough stil; on the top groweth a long spike composed of many Heads, set one above another, containing two or three Husks with sharp, but short Beards or awns at the ends; the Seed is easily shaked out of the Ear, the Husk it self being somwhat tough. |
Place: |
The Country Husbandmen do know this too well to grow among their Corn: or in the Borders and Pathwaies of other Fields that are fallow. |
Time: |
- |
Use: |
As this is not without some Vices, so hath it also many Vertues. The Meal of Darnel is very good to stay Gangreans, and other such like fretting and eating Cankers, and putrid Sores: It also clenseth the Skin of al Lepries, Morphews, Ringworms, and the like, if it be used with Salt and Rhadish Roots. And being used with quick Brimstone and Vinegar it dissolveth Knots and Kernels and breaketh those that are hard to be dissolved, being boyled in Wine with Pidgeons Dung and Linseed: A Decoction therof made with Water and Honey and the place bathed therwith is profitable for the Sciatica. Darnel Meal applied in a Poltis, draweth forth Splinters and broken Bones in the Flesh: The red Darnel boyled in red Wine and taken stayeth the Lask and all other Fluxes, and Womens bloody Issues; and restraineth Urin that passeth away too suddenly. |
Edgenote: |
Gangreans, Cankers, Leprosie, Morphew, Ringworms, Sciatica, Thorns, Splinters, broken Bones, Diabets. |
| 22.12.2024 J.N. |