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DAISIES | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
GänseblümchenBellis perennisDaisiesPlanet: Venus / Krebs
Stichworte: |
Description: | These are so wel known to almost every Child, that I suppose it altogether needless to write any Description of them. Take therfore the Vertues of them as followeth. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Place: | - | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Time: | - | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Use: | The greater wild Daisie is a Wound Herb of good respect, often used in those Drinks or Salvs that are for Wounds, either inward or outwards. The Juyce or distilled Water of these, or the smal Daisies, doth much temper the heat of Choller, and refresheth the Liver and other inward parts. A Decoction made of them and drunk, helpeth to cure the Wounds made in the hollowness of the Breast: The same also cureth al Ulcers and Pustles in the Mouth or Tongue, or in the secret parts. The Leavs bruised and applied to the Cods, or to any other parts that are swollen and hot, doth resolve it and temper the Head: A Decoction made hereof with Walwort and Agrimony and the places fomented or bathed therwith warm, giveth great eas to them that are troubled with the Palsy, Sciatica, or the Gout. The same also disperseth and dissolveth the Knots or Kernels that grow in the Flesh of any part of the Body and the Bruises and Hurts that come of Fals and Blows: They are also used for Ruptures, and other inward Burnings with very good success. An Oyntment made hereof doth wonderfully help al Wounds that have Inflamations about them, or by reason of moist humors having access unto them, are kept long from healing and such are those for the most part that happen in the Joynts of the Arms or Legs. The Juyce of them dropped into the running Eyes of any doth much help them. The Herb is under the Sign Cancer, and under the Dominion of Venus, and therfore excellent good for Wounds in the Breast, and very fitting to be kept both in Oyls, Oyntments, and Plaisters, as also in Syrup. |
Edgenote: | Wounds, inward & outward, Choller, Liver, Breast, Ulcers, Swellings, Kernels, Bruises, Falls, Ruptures, Burnings, Inflamations. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
22.12.2024 J.N. |