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Gewöhnliches Kreuzlabkraut
Galium cruciata (Cruciata laevipes)
Planet: Saturn
Energie: mässig trocken und mässig kühl
| Stichworte: |
Wunden innerlich und äusserlich |
Wounds inward & outward |
Phlegma |
Flegm |
Stauungen |
Obstructions |
Magen |
Stomach |
Darm |
Bowels |
Zerrungen |
Ruptures |
| | | |
Description: |
The Common Crosswort groweth up with square hairy brown Stalks, little above a Foot High, having four smal broad and pointed hairy, yet smooth green Leavs, growing at every Joynt, each against other Cross waies, which hath caused the name: Toward the tops of the Stalks at the Joynts with the Leavs in three or four rows upwards, stand smal pale, yellow Flowers, after which come smal blackish round Seed, four for the most part set in every Husk. The Root is very smal and full of Fibres, or Threads, taking good hold of the ground, and spreading with the Branches a great deal of ground which perisheth not in Winter, although the Leavs die every year, and spring again anew. |
Place: |
It groweth in many moist grounds as well Meadows, as untilled places about London. In Hamsted Church-yard, at Wye in Kent, and sundry other places. |
Time: |
It Flowreth from May al the Summer long in one place or other, as they are more open to the Sun; and the Seed ripeneth soon after. |
Use: |
This is a singular good Wound Herb, and is used inwardly, not only to stay bleeding of Wounds, but to consolidate them, as it doth outwardly any green Wounds, which it quickly sodereth up and healeth. The Decoction of the Herb in Wine, helpeth to expectorate Flegm out of the Chest, and is good for Obstructions in the Breast, Stomach or Bowels, and helpeth a decayed Appetite; It is also good to wash any Wound or Sore with, to clens and heal it: The Herb bruised and then boyled and applied outwardly for certain daies together, renewing it often, and in the mean time, the Decoction of the Herb in Wine taken inwardly every day doth certainly cure the Rupture in any, so as it be not too inveterate; but very speedily if it be fresh and lately taken. |
Edgenote: |
Wounds inward & outward, Flegm, Obstructions, Stomach, Bowels, Ruptures. |
| 22.12.2024 J.N. |