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Balsamkraut, Frauenminze
Chrysanthemum balsamita (Tanacetum balsamita, Costus hortorum)
Planet: Jupiter
Energie: mässig warm und mässig trocken
| Stichworte: |
Schmerzhafter Harndrang |
Disury |
Unterleib |
Womb |
Galle |
Choller |
Phlegma |
Flegm |
Fäulnis |
Putrefaction |
Unsittlichkeit |
Corruption |
Stauungen |
Obstructions |
Wiederkehrendes Fieber |
Quotidian Agues |
Magen |
Stomach |
Leber |
Liver |
Kopfschmerz |
Head-ach |
Schnupfen |
Rhewm |
Rauhe Säfte |
Raw Humors |
Auszehrung |
Cachexia |
Würmer |
Worms |
Geschwüre |
Ulcers |
| | | |
Description: |
This is so frequently known to be an Inhabitant in almost every garden, that I suppose it needless to write a Description therof. |
Place: |
- |
Time: |
It Flowreth in June and July. |
Use: |
The ordinary Costmary as well as Maudlin, provoketh Urin abundantly, and moistneth the hardness of the Mother; It gently purgeth Choller and Flegm, extenuating that which is gross, and cutting that which is tough and gluttenous clenseth that which is foul, and hindreth putrefaction and corruption, it dissolveth without Attraction, openeth Obstructions, and healeth their evil effect, and is a wonderful help to al sorts of day Agues. It is astringent to the Stomach, and strengtheneth the Liver and al the other inward parts and taken in Whey worketh the more effectually. Taken fasting in the morning, it is very profitable for the pains in the Head that are continual, and to stay, dry up, and consume all thin Rhewms, or distillations from the Head into the Stomach, and helpeth much to digest raw humors that are gathered therein. It is very profitable for those that are fallen into a continual evil disposition of the whol Body called Cachexia, being taken especially in the beginning of the Diseas: It is an especial friend and help to evil, weak, and cold Livers. The Seed is familiarly given to Children for the Worms, and so is the infusion of the Flowers in white Wine, given them to the Quantity of two ounces at a time: It maketh an excellent Salve to clens and heal old Ulcers, being boyled with Oyl Olive, and Adders Tongue with it: and after it is strained, to put a little Wax, Rozin, and Turpentine to bring it into a convenient Body. |
Edgenote: |
Disury, Womb, Choller, Flegm, Putrefaction, Corruption, Obstructions, Quotidian Agues, Stomach, Liver, Head-ach, Rhewm, Raw Humors, Cachexia, Worms, Ulcers. |
| 22.12.2024 J.N. |