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Symphytum officinale


Planet:   Saturn / Steinbock
Energie: sehr trocken und sehr kalt

Spucken Spitting
Blut im Urin pissing Blood
Innere Wunden und Blutergüsse Inward Wounds & Bruises
Lungentuberkulose Phtisick
Blutiger Ausfluss Bloody Flux
Stoppt die Menstruation Terms stops
Weissfluss Whites
Nerven geschnitten Nervs cut
Muskeln geschnitten Muscles cut
Scharfe Säfte sharp Humors
Wunden Wounds
Zerrungen Ruptures
Knochenbrüche broken Bones
Knoten in den Brüsten Knotted Breasts
Hämorrhoiden Hemorrhoids
Entzüdung Inflamation
Gicht Gout
Schmerzende Gelenke Pained Joynts
Gangrän Gangreans

Description: The common great Comfry hath divers very large and hairy green Leavs lying on the ground, so hairy or prickly that if they touch any tender part of the Hands, Face, or Body, it will caus it to itch: The Stalk that riseth up from among them being two or three Foot high, hollow and cornered, is very hairy also, having many such like Leavs as grow below, but lesser and lesser up to the top. At the Joynts of the Stalks, it is divided into many branches with some Leavs theron, and at the ends stand many Flowers in order one about another, which are somwhat long and hollow like the finger of a Glove, of a pale whitish colour, after which come smal black Seed. The Roots are great and long, spreading great thick Branches under ground, black on the outside and whitish within, short or easie to break, and ful of a glutinous or clammy Juyce of little or no tast at al.
There is another sort in al things like this, save only it is somwhat less, and beareth Flowers of a pale purple colour.
Place: They grow by Ditches and Water Sides, and in divers Fields that are moist, for therin they chiefly delight to grow: The first generally through al the Land, and the other but in some several places.
By the leave of my Author, the first grow often in dry places.
Time: They Flower in June and July, and give their Seed in August.
Use: The great Comfry helpeth those that spit blood, or make a Bloody Urin; The Root boyled in Water or Wine and the Decoction drunk, helpeth al inward Hurts, Bruises and Wounds, and the Ulcers of the Lungs, causing the Flegm that oppresseth them to be easily spit forth; It staieth the defluxions of Rhewm from the Head upon the Lungs, the Fluxes of Blood or humors by the Belly, Womens immoderate Courses, as well the Reds, as the Whites; and the running of the Reins hapning by what caus soever. A syrup made therof is very effectual for all those inward Griefs and Hurts; and the distilled Water for the same purpose also, and for outward Wounds and Sores in the Fleshy, or Sinewy part of the Body whersoever; as also to take away the fits of Agues, and to allay the sharpness of Humors. A Decoction of the Leavs herof is available to all the purposes, though not so effectual as of the Roots. The Roots being outwardly applied, helpeth fresh Wounds or Cuts immediatly, being bruised and laid therunto; and is especial good for Ruptures and broken Bones: yea it is said to be so powerful to consolidate and Knit together; that if they be boyled with dissevered pieces of Flesh in a pot it will joyn them together again. It is good to be applied to Womens Breasts that grow sore by the abundance of Milk coming into them: as also to repress the overmuch bleeding of the Hemorrhoids to cool the Inflamation of the parts therabouts, and to give eas of pains. The Roots of Comfry taken fresh, beaten smal, and spread upon Leather, and laid upon any place troubled with the Gout, do presently give eas of the pains; and applied in the same manner giveth eas to pained Joynts and profiteth very much from running and moist Ulcers; Gangrenes, Mortifications, and the like, for which it hath by often experience been found helpful.
This is also an Herb of Saturn, and I suppose under the Sign Capricorn, cold dry, and earthy in quality, what was spoken of Clowns Woundwort may be said of this.
Edgenote: Spitting, pissing Blood, Inward Wounds & Bruises, Phtisick, Bloody Flux, Terms stops, Whites, Nervs cut, Muscles cut, sharp Humors, Wounds, Ruptures, broken Bones, Knotted Breasts, Hemorrhoids, Inflamation, Gout, Pained Joynts, Gangreans.

22.12.2024 J.N.