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Tussilago farfara
Coltsfoot (Common)
Planet: Venus
Energie: leicht warm und leicht feucht
| Stichworte: |
Husten |
Cough |
Keuchen |
Wheesing |
Kurzatmigkeit |
Shortness of breath |
Wechselfieber |
Agues |
Entzüdungen |
Inflamations |
Schwellung |
Swelling |
Antoniusfeuer (Ergotismus) |
St Anthonies fire |
Verbrennungen |
Burnings |
Cholerisch |
Chollerick |
Pickel und Beulen |
Pushes |
Hämorrhoiden |
Piles |
Entzündungen der Geschlechtsteile |
Inflammations in the Privities |
| | | |
Description: |
This shooteth up a slender Stalk with small yellowish Flowers somwhat early, which fall away quickly, and after they are past, come up somwhat round Leavs, somtimes dented a little about the edges, much lesser, thicker and greener than those of Butterbur, with a little down or Freez over the green Leaf on the upper side, which may be rubbed away, and whitish or mealy underneath. The Root is smal and white spreading much underground, so that where it taketh, it windwardly be driven away again if any little piece be abiding therin; and from thence springeth fresh Leavs. |
Place: |
It groweth as well in wet grounds, as in drier places. |
Time: |
And Flowreth in the end of February, the Leavs beginning to appear in March. |
Use: |
The fresh Leavs, or Juyce, or a Syrup made therof is good for a hot dry Cough, for wheesings and shortness of breath. The dry Leavs are best for those that have thin Rhewms, and Distillations upon the Lungs, causing a Cough, for which also the dried Leavs taken as tobacco, or the Root, is very good. The distilled water herof simply, or with Elder Flowers and Nightshade, is a singular remedy against al hot Agues, to drink two ounces at a time, and apply Cloathes wet therein to the Head and Stomach; which also doth much good being applied to any hot Swellings or Inflamations, it helpeth St. Anthonies Fire, and Burnings, and is singular good to take away Wheals, and smal Pushes that arise through heat; As also the burning heat of the Piles, or privy parts, cloathes wet therin being therunto applied. |
Edgenote: |
Cough, Wheesing, Shortness of breath, Agues, Inflamations, Swelling, St Anthonies fire, Burnings, Chollerick, Pushes, Piles, Inflammations in the Privities. |
| 22.12.2024 J.N. |