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Akelei gemeine



Planet:   Mond
Energie: mässig warm und mässig feucht

Entzündungen in Mund und Hals Sore Mouths and Throats
Stauungen Obstructions
Gelbsucht yellow Jaundice
Wehen Womens Travail
Steine Stone

Description: These are so wel known, growing in almost every Garden, that I think I may save the expence of time in writing a Description of them.
Place: in almost every Garden
Time: They Flower in May, and abide not for the most part when June is past, perfecting their Seed in the mean time.
Use: The Leavs of Columbines are commonly used in Lotions with good success for sore Mouths and Throats: Tragus saith, That a dram of the Seed taken in Wine with a little Saffron, openeth Obstructions of the Liver, and is good for the yellow Jaundice, if the party after the taking therof be laid to sweat wel in his Bed: The seed also taken in Wine causeth a speedy Delivery of Women in Childbirth; if one draught suffice not, let her drink a second, and it is effectual: The Spaniards use to eat a piece of the Root hereof in a morning fasting, many daies together to help them being troubled with the Stone in the Reins or Kidneys.
Edgenote: Sore Mouths and Throats, Obstructions, yellow Jaundice, Womens Travail, Stone.

22.12.2024 J.N.