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Cock's Head

Planet:   Venus
Energie: mässig warm und mässig feucht

Knoten und Kerne im Fleisch Knots and Kernels in the Flesh
Häufiger Harndrang Strangury
Milch vom Vieh Milk in Cattel

Description: This hath divers weak, but rough Stalks, half a yard long, leaning downwards, beset with winged Leavs, longer and more pointed than those of Lentils, and whitish underneath; from the tops of these Stalks arise up other slender Stalks, naked without Leavs unto the tops, where there grow many smal Flowers in manner of a Spike, of a pale reddish colour, with some blueness among them: after which rise up in their places, round, rough, and somwhat flat Heads. The Root is tough and somwhat woody, yet liveth and shootheth anew every yeer.
Place: It groweth under Hedges, and somtimes in the open Fields, in divers places of this Land.
Time: They Flower all the Months of July and August, and the Seed ripeneth in the mean while.
Use: It hath a power to rarifie and digest, and therfore the green Leavs bruised and laid as a Plaister disperseth Knots, Nodes, or Kernels in the Flesh, and if when it is dry it be taken in Wine, it helpeth the Strangury: and being anointed with Oyl, it provoketh Sweat. It is a singular Food for Cattel to cause them to give store of Milk, and why then may it not do the like being boyled in the ordinary drink of Nurses.
Edgenote: Knots and Kernels in the Flesh, Strangury, Milk in Cattel.

22.12.2024 J.N.