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Klebkraut, Kletten-Labkraut

Galium aparine


Planet:   Saturn
Energie: leicht kühl und leicht feucht

Giftige Tiere Venemous Beasts
Herz Heart
Beleibtheit (Fettsucht) Fatness
Gelbsucht Yellow Jaundice
Ausfluss Flux
Blutiger Ausfluss Bloody Flux
Wunden Wounds
Geschwüre Ulcers
Schwellungen Swellings
Tuberkulose (Lymphknoten) Kings Evil
Ohrschmerzen Pain in the Ears

Description: The common Cleavers hath divers very rough square Stalks, not so big as the Tag of a Point, but rising up to be two or three yards high somtimes, if it meet with any tall Bushes or Trees wheron it may climb (yet without any Claspers) or els much lower and lying upon the Ground full of Joynts, and at every of them shooteth forth a Branch, besides the Leavs therat, which are usually six, set in a round compass like a Star, or the Rowel of a Spur: from between the Leavs at the Joynts towards the tops of the Branches, come forth very smal white Flowers, every one upon a smal threddy Footstalk, which after they are fallen, there do shew two smal, round, rough Seeds, joyned together like two Testicles, which when they are ripe grow hard and whitish, having a little hole on the side, somewhat like unto a Navil. Both Stalks, Leavs, and Seeds are so rough that they wil, cleave to any thing shal touch them. The Root is small and very threddy, spreading much in the Ground, but dieth every yeer.
Place: It groweth by the Hedg, and Ditch Sides in many places of this Land, and is so troublesom an Inhabitant in Gardens, that it rampeth upon and is ready to choak what ever grows next it.
Time: It Flowreth in June and July, and the Seed is ripe and falleth again in the end of July or August, from whence it springeth up again and not from the old Roots.
Use: The Juyce of the Herb, and Seed together taken in Wine, helpeth those that are bitten with an Adder, by preserving the Heart from the Venom; It is familiarly taken in Broth to keep them lean and lank that are apt to grow fat. The distilled Water drunk twice a day helpeth the yellow Jaundice, and the Decoction of the Herb in experience found to do the same, and stayeth Lasks and Bloody Fluxes.
The Juyce of the Leavs, or they a little bruisep and applied to any bleeding wound, stayeth the Bleeding. The Juyce is also very good to close up the Lips of green Wounds; and the Pouder of the dried Herb strewed therupon doth the same, and likewise helpeth old Ulcers: Being boyled with Hogs Greas, it healeth al sorts of hard Swellings or Kernels in the Throat, being anointed therwith. The Juyce dropped into the Ears taketh away the pains of them.
It is a good remedy in the Spring eaten (being first chopped smal and boyled well) in Water-gruel, to clens the Blood, and strengthen the Liver, thereby keeping the Body in health, and fitting it for that change of Season that is coming.
Edgenote: Venemous Beasts, Heart, Fatness, Yellow Jaundice, Flux, Bloody Flux, Wounds, Ulcers, Swellings, Kings Evil, Pain in the Ears.

22.12.2024 J.N.