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CLARY | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
MuskatellertsalbeiSalvia sclarea (Horminum hortense)ClaryPlanet: Venus
Stichworte: |
Description: | Our ordinary Garden Clary hath four square Stalks, with broad, rough, wrinkled, whitish, or hairy green Leavs, somwhat evenly cut in on the edges, and of a strong, sweet sent, growing some neer the ground, and some by couples upon the Stalks: The Flowers grow at certain distances with two smal Leavs at the Joynts under them, somwhat like unto the Flowers of Sage, but smaller, and of a whitish blue colour: The Seed is brownish, and somwhat Flat, or not so round as the wild, the Roots are blackish and spread not far, and perish after the Seed time: It is usually sown, for it seldom riseth of its own sowing. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Place: | This groweth in Gardens. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Time: | It Flowereth in June and July, some a little later than others, and their Seed is ripe in August, or therabouts. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Use: | The Seed is used to be put into the Eyes to cleer them from Moats, or other such like things gotten within the Lids to offend them, as also to clear them from white or red spots in them. The Muccilage of the Seed made with Water, and applied to Tumors and swellings, disperseth and taketh them away, as also draweth forth Splinters, Thorns, or other things gotten into the Flesh. The Leavs used with Vinegar either by it self or with a little Honey, doth help hot Inflamations, as also Boyls, Felons, and the hot Inflamations that are gathered by their pains, if it be applied before they be grown too great. The Pouder of the dried Leavs put into the Nose provoketh neesing, and therby purgeth the Head and Brain of much Rhewm and Corruption. The Seed or Leavs taken in Wine provoketh to Venery. It is of much use both for Men and Women that have weak Backs, to help to strengthen the Reins, used either by it self or with other Herbs conducing to the same effect, and in Tansies often: The fresh Leavs dipped in a Batter of Flower, Egs, and a little Milk, and fried in Butter, and served to the Table, is not unpleasant to any, but exceeding profitable for those that are troubled with weak Backs, and the effects therof. The Juyce of the Herb put into Ale or Beer, and drunk, bringeth down Womens Courses, and expelleth the After-birth. It is an usual cours with Men when they have gotten the running of the Reins, or Women the Whites, then run to the bush of Clary; Maid bring hither the Frying Pan, fetch me some Butter quickly, then to eating fryed Clary, just as Hogs eat Acorns, and thus they think wil cure their Disease (forsooth) wheras when they have devoured as much Clary as wil grow upon an Acre of ground, their Backs are as much the better as though they had pissed in their shoos, nay perhaps much wors. As for the trick of curing the Eyes by it I can as yet say nothing to it, for the rest it may be effectual. We will grant that Clary strengthens the Back, but this we deny, That the caus of the running of the Reins in Men, or the Whites in Women lies in the Back (though the Back may somtimes be weakned by them) and therfore the Medicine is as proper, as for me when my Toe is sore, to lay a Plaister to my Nose. |
Edgenote: | Eyes, Swellings, Splinters, Thorns, Inflamations, Boyls, Felons, Head, Brain, Lust provokes, Back, Terms provokes, Afterbirth. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
22.12.2024 J.N. |