Warning: mysqli_connect(): Headers and client library minor version mismatch. Headers:50550 Library:50640 in /var/www/web257/html/wurzli/dbconnect.php on line 2 CINKFOYL, or FIVE LEAVED GRASS, or FIVE FINGER'D GRASS


Kriechendes Fingerkraut

Potentilla reptans


Planet:   Jupiter
Energie: neutral warm

Entzüdung Inflamation
Fieber Feavers
Seuchen Pestilence
Entzündungen im Mund Sore Mouths
Geschwüre Ulcers
Mundgeschwüre Cankers
Fisteln Fistulaes
Peritonsillarabszess Quincy
Gelbsucht Yellow Jaundice
Epilepsie Falling sickness
Ausfluss Flux
Stoppt die Menstruation Terms Stops
Weissfluss Whites
Blutiger Ausfluss Bloody Flux
Zahnschmerzen Tooth-ach
Heiserkeit Hoarsness
Husten Cough
Lähmungen der Hände Palsey of the Hands
Knoten im Fleisch Knots in the Flesh
Antoniusfeuer (Ergotismus) St Anthonies Fire
Gürtelrose Shingles
Krätze Scabs
Juckreiz Itch
Gelenke Schmerzend Joynts pained
Ischias Sciatica
Zerrungen Ruptures
Gicht Gouts
Blutergüsse Bruises
Stürze Fall
Blutungen Bleeding
Wechselfieber Agues

Description: This spreadeth and creepeth far upon the ground, with long slender strings like Strawberries, which take Root again and shooteth forth many Leavs made of five parts, and somtimes of seven, dented about the edges and somwhat hard; The Stalks are slender leaning downwards, and bear many smal yellow Flowers theron, with some yellow threds in the middle, standing about a smooth green head; which when it is ripe is a little rough, and containeth smal brownish Seeds. The Root is of a blackish brown colour, seldom so big, as ones little finger but growing long with some threds therat; and by the smal strings it quickly spreadeth over the ground.
Place: It groweth by Wood sides, Hedg sides, the Pathwaies in Fields, and in the Borders and Corners of them almost through all this Land.
Time: It Flowreth in Summer, some sooner, some later.
Use: It is an especial Herb used in all Inflamations and Feavers whether Infectious or Pestilential; or among other Herbs to cool, and temper the Blood and humors in the Body; As also for all Lotions, Gargles, Injections, and the like for sore Mouths, Ulcers, Cankers, Fistulaes, and other corrupt Foul, or running sores. The Juyce herof drunk about four ounces at a time for certain daies together, cureth the Quinsie, and the yellow Jaundice, and taken for thirty daies together cureth the Falling-sickness. The Roots boyled in Milk and drunk is a most effectual remedy, for all Fluxes in Man or Woman, whether the Whites, or Reds, as also the Bloody Flux. The Roots boyled in Vinegar, and the Decoction therof held in the Mouth easeth the pains of the Toothach. The Juyce or Decoction taken with a little Honey, helpeth the hoarsness of the Throat, and is good for the Cough of the Lungs. The distilled Water of both Roots and Leavs is also effectual to all the purposes aforesaid: and if the Hands be often washed therin and suffered at every time to dry in of it self without wiping, it wil in short time help the Palsy or shaking in them. The Roots boyled in Vinegar, helpeth all Knots, Kernels, hard swellings, and lumps growing in any part of the Flesh, being therto applied; as also al Inflamations, and St. Anthonies Fire, all Imposthumes, and painful Sores, with heat and putrefaction; the shingles also, and all other sorts of running, and foul Scabs, Sores, and Itch. The same also boyled in Wine, and applied to any Joynts full of pain and ach, or the Gout in the Hands or Feet, or the Hip-gout called the Sciatica, and the Decoction therof drunk the while, doth cure them; and easeth much pains in the Bowels. The Roots are likewise effectual to help Ruptures or Burstings, being used with other things available to that purpose, taken either inwardly or outwardly, or both; as also for Bruises, or Hurts by Blows, Falls, or the like, and to stay the bleeding of Wounds in any part inward or outward.
This is an Herb of Jupiter, and therfore strengthens the parts of the Body that he rules, let Jupiter be angular and strong when it is gathered, and if you give but a scruple (which is but twenty grains of it) at a time, either in white Wine, or white Wine Vinegar, you shal very seldom miss the cure of an Ague be it what Ague soever in three Fits, as I have often proved to the admiration both of my self and others, let no Man despise it becaus it is plain and easie, the waies of God are all such, 'tis the ungodliness and impudencey of Man that made things hard, and hath (by so doing) made sport for al the Devils in Hell, and grieved the good Angels, and when you reade this your own Genius if you be any thing at al acquainted with it, may dictate to you many as good Conclusions both of this and other Herbs.
Some hold that one Leaf cures a Quotidian, three a Tertian, and four a Quartan Ague, and a hundred to one if it be not Dioscorides, for he is ful of such Whimseys. The truth is I never stood so much upon the number of the Leavs, nor whether I gave it in Pouder or Decoction: If Jupiter were strong and the Moon applying to him or his good aspect at the gathering of it, I never knew it miss the desired effects.
Edgenote: Inflamation, Feavers, Pestilence, Sore Mouths, Ulcers, Cankers, Fistulaes, Quincy, Yellow Jaundice, Falling sickness, Flux, Terms Stops. Whites, Bloody Flux, Tooth-ach, Hoarsness, Cough, Palsey of the Hands, Knots in the Flesh, St Anthonies Fire, Shingles, Scabs, Itch, Joynts pained, Sciatica, Ruptures, Gouts, Bruises, Fall, Bleeding, Agues.

22.12.2024 J.N.