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Kichererbse (Cicer arietinum)

Cicer aristinum


Planet:   Venus
Energie: leicht warm und leicht feucht

Schmerzhafter Harndrang Disury
Vermehrt Sperma Seed encreas
Steine Stone
Geiz Costivness
Provoziert die Menstruation Terms provokes
Schmerzen in den Seiten Pain in the sides
Stauungen Obstruction
Steine Stone
Öffnet Open
Verdauung Digest
Auflösend Dissolve

Description: The Garden sorts, whether Red, Black, or White, brings forth Stalks a yard long, wheron do grow many smal and almost round Leavs, dented about the edges, set on both sides of a middle Rib: at the Joynts come forth one or two Flowers upon short Footstalks, Peas fashion, either white or whitish, or pur plish red, lighter or deeper according as the Peas that follow will be, that are contained in smal, thick, and short Pods, wherin lie one or two Peas more usually, a little pointed at the lower end, and almost round at the Head, yet a little corner'd or sharp. The Root is smal, and perisheth yeerly.
Place: They are sown in Gardens, or the Fields, as Peas.
Time: Being sown later than Peas, and gathered at the same time with them, or presently after.
Use: They are no less windy than Beans, but nourish more, they provoke Urine, and are thought to encreas Sperm, they have a clensing faculty, wherby they break the Stones in the Kidneys. To drink the cream of them being boyled in Water is the best way; it moveth the Belly downwards, provoketh Womens Courses, and Urin, and encreaseth both Milk and Seed. One ounce of Cicers, two ounces of French Barley, and a smal handful of Marsh-Mallow Roots, clean washed and cut, being boyled in the broth of a Chicken, and four ounces taken in the morning and fasting two hours after is a good Medicine for a pain in the Side. The white Cicers are used more for Meat than Medicine, yet have they the same effect, and are thought more powerful to encrease Milk and Seed.
The wild Cicers are so much more powerful than the Garden kinds, by how much they exceed them in heat and driness; whereby they do more open Obstructions, break the Stone, and have al the properties of cutting, opening, digesting, and dissolving, and this more speedily, and certainly than the former.
Edgenote: Disury, Seed encreas, Stone, Costivness, Terms provokes, Pain in the sides, Obstruction, Stone, Open, Digest, Dissolve.

22.12.2024 J.N.