Warning: mysqli_connect(): Headers and client library minor version mismatch. Headers:50550 Library:50640 in /var/www/web257/html/wurzli/dbconnect.php on line 2 SWEET CHERVIL or SWEET CICELY



Myrrhis odorata

Sweet chervil

Planet:   Jupiter
Energie: -

Kalter Magen Cold Stomach
Blähungen Wind
Phlegma Flegm
Lungen Lungues
Lungentuberkulose Phtisick
Seuchen Pestilence
Provoziert die Menstruation Terms provokes
Nachgeburt Afterbirth
Appetitlosigkeit Appetite lost
Geschwüre Ulcers
Epidemische Erkrankungen Epidemical Diseases

Description: This groweth very like the greater Hemlock having large spread Leavs, cut into diverse parts, but of a fresher green colour than the Hemlock, tasting as sweet as the Anniseed. The Stalk riseth up a yard high or better being crested or hollow, having the like Leavs at the Joynts, but lesser; and at the tops of the branched Stalks, Umbels or Tufts of white Flowers; after which com large and long crested, black shining Seed, pointed at both ends, tasting quick, yet sweet and pleasant. The Root is great and white, growing deep in the ground, and spreading sundry long Branches therin, in tast and smel stronger than the Leavs or Seed, and continuing many years.
Place: This groweth in Gardens.
Time: -
Use: This whol Plant besides its pleasantness in Sallets, hath also his Physical Vertues. The Root boyled and eaten with Oyl and Vinegar, (or without Oyl) doth much pleas and warm an old and cold Stomach, oppressed with wind or flegm, or those that have the Phtisick or Consumption of the Lungs. The same drunk with Wine, is a peservative from the Plague; it provoketh Womens Courses, and expelleth the After-birth, procureth an appetit to meat, and expelleth Wind. The Juyce is good to heal the Ulcers of the Head and Face. The candied Roots hereof are held as effectual as Angelica to preserv from Infection in the time of a Plague, and to warm and comfort a cold weak Stomach.
It is so harmless you cannot use it amiss.
Edgenote: Cold Stomach, Wind, Flegm, Lungues, Phtisick, Pestilence, Terms provokes, Afterbirth, Appetite lost, Ulcers, Epidemical Diseases.

22.12.2024 J.N.