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Anthriscus cerefolium


Planet:   Jupiter
Energie: leicht warm und leicht feucht

Magen Stomach
Geronnenes Blut Clotted Blood
Blutergüsse Bruises
Stürze Falls
Schmerzhafter Harndrang Disury
Steine Stone
Rippenfellentzündung Pleuresie
Seiten Sides
Schwellungen Swellings
schwarze und blaue Flecken black and blue Spots

Description: The Garden Chervil doth at first somwhat resemble Parsly, but after it is better grown the Leavs are much cut in and jagged resembling Hemlocks, being a little hairy and of a whitish green colour, somtimes turning reddish in the Summer with the Stalks also; It riseth little above half a Foot high, bearing white Flowers in spoked tufts, which turn into long and round Seed pointed at the ends, and blackish when they are ripe; of a sweet tast, but no smel, though the Herb it self smelleth reasonable wel: The Root is smal and long and perisheth every yeer, and must be sowen anew in the Spring for Seed, and after July for Autumn Sallet.
The wild Chervil growth two or three foot high, with yellow Stalks and Joynts, set with broader and more hairy Leavs, divided into sundry parts nicked about the edges, and of a darker green colour, which likewise grow reddish with the Stalks; at the tops wherof stand smal white tufts of Flowers & afterwards smaller and longer seed: The Root is white, hard, and enduring long. This hath little or no scent.
Place: The first is sown in Gardens, for a Sallet-Herb. The second groweth wild in many of the Meadows of this Land, and by the Hedg-sides, and on Heaths.
Time: They flower and seed early, and thereupon are sown again in the end of Summer.
Use: The Garden Chervil being eaten, doth moderately warm the Stomach, and is a certain remedy (Saith Tragus) to dissolve congealed or clotted Bloud in the Body, or that which is clotted by bruises, fals, &c. The Juyce or distilled Water therof being drunk, and the bruised Leavs laid to the place, being taken either in meat or drink, it is held good to provoke Urin, to expel the Stone in the Kidnies, to send down Womens Courses, and to help the Plurisie and prickings of the Sides.
The wild Chervil bruised and applied, dissolveth Swellings in any part of the Body, and taketh away the Spots and Marks of congealed Blood by Bruises or Blows, in a little space.
Edgenote: Stomach, Clotted Blood, Bruises, Falls, Disury, Stone, Pleuresie, Sides, Swellings, black and blue Spots.

22.12.2024 J.N.