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Physalis alkekengi

Cherry (The Winter)

Planet:   Venus
Energie: mässig warm und mässig feucht

Entzüdungen Inflamations
Schmerzhafter Harndrang Disury
Steine Stone
Griess im Urin Gravel
Geschwüre an Nieren - Lenden - Blase Ulcers in the Reins and Bladder
Blut im Urin pissing Blood
Scharfer Urin Sharpness of Urins
Wertvolles Rezept A precious Receipt

Description: The Winter Cherry hath a running or creeping Root in the ground of the bigness many times of ones little Finger, shooting forth at several Joynts ins everal places, wherby it quickly spreadeth a great compass of ground: The Stalk riseth not above a yard high, wheron are set many broad, and long green Leavs, somwhat like Nightshade but larger, at the Joynts wherof come forth whitish Flowers made of five Leavs apiece; which after turn into green Berries, inclosed with thin Skins, which change to be reddish, when they grow ripe, the Berry likewise being reddish, and as large as a Cherry, wherein are contained many flat and yellowish Seeds lying within the pulp; which being gathered and strung up are kept all the yeer to be used upon occasion.
Place: They grow not naturally in this Land, but are cherished in Gardens for their Vertues.
Time: They Flower not until the middle or latter end of July, and the Fruit is ripe about the end of August, or beginning of September.
Use: They are of great use in Physick: The Leavs being cooling may be used in Inflamations, but not opening, as the Berries and Fruit are, which by drawing down the Urine provoke it to be avoided plentifully when it is stopped or grown hot, sharp, and painful in the passage; it is good also to expel the Stone and Gravel out of the Reins, Kidnies, and Bladder, helping to dissolve the Stone, and avoiding it by greet or gravel sent forth in the Urin; It also helpeth much to clens inward Impostumes or Ulcers in the Reins or Bladder, or in those that avoid a Bloody or foul Urin. The distilled Water of the Fruit, or the Leavs together with them, or the Berries green or dry, distilled with a little Milk, and drunk morning and evening with a little Sugar, is effectual to al the purposes afore specified, and especially against the heat and sharpness of the Urin. I shal only mention one way amongst many others which might be used for ordering the Berries to be helpful for the Urin and the Stone, which is thus. Take three or four good handfuls of the Berries either green and fresh, or dried and having bruised them, put them into so many Gallons of Beer or Ale when it is new tunned up: This Drink taken daily hath been found to do much good to many, both to eas the pains and expel Urin, and the Stone; and to caus the Stone not to ingender. The Decoction of the Berries in Wine or Water is the most usual way; but the Pouder of them taken in drink is more effectual.
Edgenote: Inflamations, Disury, Stone, Gravel, Ulcers in the Reins and Bladder, pissing Blood, Sharpness of Urins. A precious Receipt.

22.12.2024 J.N.