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THE CHERRY-TREE | |||||||||||||||||||||||
SauerkirschePrunus cerasus (Cerasus nigra, Cerasus rubra)Cherry TreePlanet: Venus
Stichworte: |
Description: | I suppose there are few but know this Tree, for his Fruits sake, and therfore shal spare the writing a Description therof. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Place: | For the place of its growth, it is afforded room in every Orchard. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Time: | - | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Use: | Cherries, as they are of different tasts, so they are of divers qualities: The sweet pass through the Stomach and Belly more speedily, but are of little Nourishment. The tart or sowr, are more pleasing to an hot Stomach, procuring appetite to meat, and help to cut tough Flegm and gross humors; but when these are dryed they are more binding the belly than when they are fresh, being cooling in hot Diseases, and welcom to the Stomach, and provoke Urin. The Gum of the Cherry-Tree dissolved in Wine, is good for a cold Cough, and hoarsness of the Throat, mendeth the colour in the Face, sharpneth the Eye-sight, provoketh appetite, and helpeth to break and expel the Stone. The Black Cherries bruised with the Stones and distilled, the Water therof is much used, to break the Stone, expel gravel, and break the Wind. |
Edgenote: | Appetite lost, Flegm, Gross Humors, Cool, provoke Urine, Cough, Hoarsness, Sight, Gravel, Wind. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
22.12.2024 J.N. |