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Centaurea cyanus

Centuary (The Ordinary Small)

Planet:   Sonne oder Mars
Energie: sehr heiss und sehr trocken

Galle Choller
Ischias Sciatica
Stauungen Obstructions
Leber Liver
Galle Gall
Milz Spleen
Wechselfieber Agues
Wassersucht Dropsie
Anämie green sickness
Kolik Chollick
Provoziert die Menstruation Terms provokes
Gelenke Joynts
Gicht Gout
Ischias Sciatica
Krämpfe Cramp
Zuckungen Convulsion
Giftige Tiere Venemous Beasts
Augen Eyes
Wunden Wounds
Geschwüre Ulcers
Ohren Ears
Krätziger Kopfs Scabby Heads
Sommersprossen Freckles
Flecken Spots

Description: This groweth up most usually but with one round and somwhat crested stalk, about a foot high, or better, branching forth at the top into many sprigs, and some also from the Joynts of the Stalks below; The Flowers that stand at the tops as it were in an umbel or tuft, are of a pale red, tending to a Carnation colour, consisting of five, somtimes six small Leavs, very like those of St. Johns Wort, opening themselvs in the daytime, and closing at night; after which come Seed in little short Husks in form like unto Wheat Corns: The Leavs are smal and somwhat round. The Root smal and hard, perishing every year: The whol Plant is of an exceeding bitter tast.
There is another sort in al things like the former, save only it beareth white Flowers.
Place: They grow ordinarily in Fields, Pastures, and Woods, but that with the white Flowers, not so frequent as the other.
Time: They Flower in July, or there abouts, and Seed within a Month after.
Use: This Herb boyled and drunk, purgeth Chollerick and gross humors, and helpeth the Sciatica: It openeth Obstructions of the Liver, Gall, and Spleen, helping the Jaundice, and easing pains in the Sides, and hardness of the Spleen, used outwardly, and is given with very good effect in Agues: It helpeth those that have the Dropsie or the green Sickness, being much used by the Italians in pouder for that purpose. It killeth the Worms in the Belly as is found by experience. The Decoction therof (viz.) the tops of the Stalks with the Leavs and Flowers, is good against the Chollick, and to bring down Womens Courses, helpeth to avoid the dead birth, and easeth pains of the Mother, and is very effectual in al old pains of the Joynts, as the Gout, Cramps, or Convulsions. A dram of the Pouder therof taken in Wine, is a wonderful good help against the biting and poyson of the Adder. The Juyce of the Herb with a little Honey put to it, is good to cleer the Eyes from dimness, mists, and clouds that offend or hinder the Sight: It is singular good both for green and fresh Wounds, as also for old Ulcers and Sores, to close up the one and clens the other, and perfectly to cure them both, although they be hollow or Fistulous; the green Herb especially being bruised and laid therto. The Decoction therof dropped into the Ears, clenseth them from Worms, clenseth the foul Ulcers and spreading Scabs of the Head, and taketh away al Freckles, Spots, and Marks in the Skin being washed therwith.
The Herb is so safe you cannot fail in the using of it, only give inwardly for inward Diseases, use it outwardly for outward Diseases, 'Tis very wholsom but not very toothsom.
Dr. Reason and Dr. Experience could not agree (the last time I spake with them) whether the Herb were under the Dominion of the Sun or Mars.
Edgenote: Choller, Sciatica, Obstructions, Liver, Gall, Spleen, Agues, Dropsie, green sickness, Chollick, Terms provokes, Joynts, Gout, Sciatica. Cramp, Convulsion, Venemous Beasts, Eyes, Wounds, Ulcers. Ears, Scabby Heads, Freckles, Spots.

22.12.2024 J.N.