Warning: mysqli_connect(): Headers and client library minor version mismatch. Headers:50550 Library:50640 in /var/www/web257/html/wurzli/dbconnect.php on line 2 THE LESSER CELONDINE, or PILEWORT



Ficaria verna


Planet:   Saturn
Energie: mässig warm und mässig trocken

Hämorrhoiden Hemorrhoids
Tuberkulose (Lymphknoten) Kings Evil

Description: I wonder what ailed the Antients to give this the name of Celandine which resembles it neither in Nature nor form: It acquired the Name of Pilewort from its Vertues, and it being no great matter where I set it down, so I do set it down at al, I humor'd Dr. Tradition so much as to set it down here.
This Celandine then or Pilewort (which you please) doth spread many round, pale, green Leavs set on weak and trailing Branches which lie upon the ground, and are fat, smooth, and somwhat shining, and in some places (though seldom) marked with black spots, each standing on a long Footstalk among which rise smal yellow Flowers, consisting of nine or ten smal narrow Leavs, upon slender Footstalks very like unto a Crowfoot, wherunto the Seed also is not unlike, being many smal ones set together upon a Head. The root is made of many smal Kernels like grain of Corn, some twice as long as others, of a whitish colour with some Fibres at the end of them.
Place: It groweth for the most part in the moist corners of Fields, and places that are neer water Sides, yet wil abide in dryer grounds, if they be but a little shadowed.
Time: It Flowereth betimes about March or April, is quite gone in May, so as it cannot be found until it spring again.
Use: It is certain by good experience that the Decoction of the Leavs and Roots, doth wonderfully help the Piles and Hemorrhoids as also Kernels by the Ears and Throat called the Kings evil; or any other hard Wens or Tumors.
Here's another Secret for my Country Men and Women, a couple of them together, Pilewort being made into an Oyl Oyntment or Plaister readily cures both the Piles or Hemorrhoids, and the Kings Evil, If I may Lawfully cal it the Kings Evil now there is no King, the very Herb born about ones Body next the Skin, helps in such Diseases, though it never touch the place grieved, let good people make much of it for these uses, with this I cured my own Daughter of the Kings Evil, broke the Sore, drew out a quarter of a pint of Corruption, and cured it without any Scar at all, and in one Weeks time.
Edgenote: Hemorrhoids, Kings Evil.

22.12.2024 J.N.