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CELANDINE | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
SchöllkrautChelidonium majusCelandinePlanet: Sonne / Löwe
Stichworte: |
Description: | This hath divers tender, round, whitish, green Stalks, with greater Joynts than ordinary in other Herbs, as it were Knees, very brittle and easie to break, from whence grow Branches with large tender long Leavs, much divided into many parts, each of them cut in on the edges, set at the Joynts on both sides of the branches, of a dark bluish green colour on the upper side like Columbines, and of a more pale bluish green underneath, ful of a yellow sap, when any part is broken, of a bitter tast and strong scent. At the tops of the Branches which are much divided, grow gold yellow Flowers of four Leaves apiece, after which come smal long pods, with blackish seed therin. The Root is somwhat great at the head, shooting forth divers other long Roots and smal Strings, reddish on the outside and yellow within, ful of a yellow sap therein. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Place: | It groweth in many places by old Walls, by the Hedges, and way sides in untilled places; and being once planted in a Garden, especially in some shady place, it wil remain there. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Time: | They flower all the Summer long, and the Seed ripeneth in the mean time. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Use: | The Herb or Roots boyled in white-Wine and drunk, a few Aniseeds being boyled therwith, openeth Obstructions of the Liver and Gall, helpeth the yellow Jaundice: and the often using it, helps the Dropsie, and the Itch, and those that have old Sores in their Legs, or other parts of the Body. The Juyce thereof taken fasting, is held to be of singular good use against the Pestilence: The distilled Water, with a little sugar, and a little good Triacle mixed therwith (the party upon the taking being laid down to sweat a little) hath the same effect. The Juyce dropped into the Eyes clenseth them from Films and the Cloudiness which darken the sight, but it is best to allay the sharpnes of the Juyce with a little Breast-milk: It is good in old filthy corroding creeping Ulcers whersoever, to stay their malignity of fretting and running, and to cause them to heal the more speedily: The Juyce often applied to Tetters, Ringworms, or other such like spreading Cancers, will quickly heal them, and rubbed often upon Warts will taken them away. The Herb with the Roots bruised and heated with Oyl of Camomel, applied to the Navel, taketh away the griping pain in the Belly and Bowels, and all the pains of the Mother: and applied to Womens Breasts stayeth the overmuch flowing of their Courses. The Juyce Decoction of the Herb gargled between the Teeth that ake, easeth the pain; and the Pouder of the Dryed Root, laid upon an aching hollow, or loos Tooth, wil cause it to fal out. The Juyce mixed with som Pouder of Brimstone, is not only good against the Itch, but taketh away al discolourings of the Skin whatsoever: And if it chance that in a tender Body it causeth any Itching or Inflamation, by bathing the place with a little Vinegar it is helped. This is an Herb of the Sun, & under the Coelestial Lyon, and is one of the best cures for the Eyes that is. Al that know any thing in Astrologie, know as wel as I can tel them, That the Eyes are subject to the Luminaries; let it then be gathered when the Sun is in Leo, and the Moon in Aries applying to his Trine; let Leo arise, then may you make it into an Oyl or Oyntment which you please to anoint your sore Eyes withal: I can prove it both by my own experience, and the experience of those to whom I have taught it, That most desperat sore Eyes have been cured by this only Medicine; And then I pray, is not this farbetter than endangering the Eyes by the art of the Needle? for if this do not absolutly take away the Film, it wil so facilitate the work that it may be don wihout danger. Another il-favored trick have Physitians got to use to the Eye, and that is worse than the Needle; which is, To eat away the Film by corroding or gnawing Medicines. This I absolutly protest against. 1. Because the Tunicles of the Eye are very thin, and therfore soon eaten asunder. 2. The Callus or Film that they would eat away is seldom of an equal thickness in every place, and then the Tunicle may be eaten asunder in one place, before the Film be consumed in another, and so be a readier way to extinguish the sight than to restore it. It is called Chelidonium from the Greek word [Greek script] which sigifies a Swallow, because they say, That if you prick out the Eyes of yong Swallows when they are in the Nest, the old ones wil recover their Eyes again with this Herb. This I am confident, for I have tried it, That if you mar the very Apple of their Eyes with a Needle, she wil recover them again, but whether with this Herb or no I know not. Also I have read (and it seems to be somwhat probable) That the Herb being gathered as I shewed before, and the Elements drawn apart from it by the art of the Alchymist, and after they are drawn apart, rectified, the earthy quality still in rectifying them, added to the Terra damnata (as Alchymists call it) or Terra sacratissima (as som Phylosophers call it) the Elements so rectified are sufficient for the Cure of al Diseases, the humor offending being known and the contrary Element given, It is an Experience wurth the trying, and can do no harm. |
Edgenote: | Obstructions of the Liver and Gall, yellow Jaundice, Dropsie, Pestilence, Eyes, Ulcers, Tetters, Ringworms, Cancers, Warts, Belly, Bowels, Mother, Worms, Terms Stops, Toothach, Itch, Beauty lost. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
22.12.2024 J.N. |