Warning: mysqli_connect(): Headers and client library minor version mismatch. Headers:50550 Library:50640 in /var/www/web257/html/wurzli/dbconnect.php on line 2 CARROTS


Möhre wilde

Daucus carota


Planet:   Merkur
Energie: neutral kühl und leicht feucht

Blähungen Wind
Stiche Stitches
provoziert Urin und Menstruation provokes Urin and the Terms
Steine Stone
Wassersucht Dropsie
Kolik Chollick
Unfruchtbarkeit Barrenness
Geschwüre Ulcers

Description: The Garden kind are so wel known that they need no Description; but because they are of less Physical use than the Wild kind (as indeed almost in all Herbs the Wild are most effectual in Physick, as being more powerful in operation then the Garden kinds) I shal therfore briefly describe the Wild Carrot.
It groweth in a manner altogether like the Tame, but that the Leavs and Stalks are somwhat whiter and rougher: The Stalks bear large tufts of white Flowers, with deep Purple spot in the middle, which are contracted together when the Seed begins to ripen, that the middle part being hollow and low, and the outer Stalks rising high, maketh the whol Umbel to shew like a Birds-Nest. The Root is smal, long, and hard, unfit for meat, being somwhat sharp and strong.
Place: The Wild kind groweth in divers parts of this Land plentifully by the Fields sides, and in untilled places.
Time: They flower and seed in the end of Summer.
Use: The Wild kind, breaketh Wind, and removeth Stitches in the Sides, provoketh Urin and Womens Courses, and helpeth to break and expel the Stone: The Seed also of the same worketh the like effect, and is good for the Dropsie, and those whose Bellies are swollen with Wind; helpeth the Chollick, the Stone in the Kidnies, and the rising of the Mother, being taken in Wine, or boyled in Wine and taken; and helpeth Conception. The Leavs being applied with Honey to running Sores or Ulcers, doth clense them.
I suppose the Seeds of them perform this better than the Roots; And though Galen commend Garden Carrots highly, to break Wind; yet experience teacheth that they breed it first; and we may thank Nature for expelling it, not they: The Seeds of them expel Wind indeed, and so mend what the Root marreth.
Edgenote: Wind, Stitches, provokes Urin and the Terms, Stone, Dropsie, Chollick, Barrenness, Ulcers.

22.12.2024 J.N.