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Echte Kamille

Matricaria chamomilla


Planet:   Sonne
Energie: mässig warm und mässig trocken

Seitenstechen Stitches in the Side
Wechselfieber Agues
Leber Liver
Milz Spleen
Müdigkeit Weariness
Sehnen Sinews
Schwellungen Swellings
Kolik Chollick
Steine Stone
Bauchschmerzen Belly-ach
Erkältung Cold
Schmerzen Ach
Gelbsucht Jaundice
Wassersucht Dropsie
Gehirn Brain
Krämpfe Cramp
Seitenstechen Stitch in the Side

Description: This is so wel known every where that it is but lost time and labor to describe it. The Vertues wherof are as followeth.
Place: -
Time: -
Use: A Decoction made of Chamomel and drunk, taketh away al pains and Stitches in the Sides. The Flowers of Chamomel beaten and made up into Bals with Oyl driveth away al sorts of Agues; if the party grieved be anointed with that Oyl taken from the Flowers, from the Crown of the Head to the Soal of the Foot, and afterwards laid to sweat in his Bed, and that he sweat wel: This is Nichessor an Egyptian's Medicine. It is profitable for all sorts of Agues that come either from Flegm or Melancholly, or from an Inflamation of the Bowels being applied when the Humors causing them shal be concocted; and there is nothing more profitable to the sides and Region of the Liver and Spleen than it. The bathing with a Decoction of Chamomel taketh away weariness, easeth pains to what part of the Body soever they be applied: it comforteth the Sinews that are overstrained, mollifieth al Swellings: It moderately comforteth al parts that have need of warmth, digesteth and dissolveth whatsoever hath need therof by a wonderful speedy property. It easeth al the pains of the chollick and Stone, and al pains and torments of the Belly, and gently provoketh Urin. The Flowers boyled in Posset Drink provoketh Sweat, and helpeth to expel Colds, Aches, and Pains, whersoever and is an excellent help to bring down Womens Courses. A Syrup made of the Juyce of Chamomel with the Flowers and white Wine, is a Remedy against the Jaundice and Dropsie. The Flowers boyled in a Ly, are good to wash the Head, and comfort both it and the Brain. The Oyl made of the Flowers of Chamomel is much used against al hard swellings, pains or aches, shrinking of the Sinews or Cramps, or pains in the Joynts, or any other part of the Body; being used in Clisters, it helpeth to dissolve wind and pains in the Belly; anointed also it helpeth Stitches and pains in the Sides.
Nichessor saith the Egyptians dedicated it to the Sun becaus it cured Agues;and they were like enough to do it, for they were the arrantest Apes in their Religion that ever I read of. Baccinus, Pena, and Lobel commend the Syrup made of the Juyce of it and Sugar, taken inwardly, to be excellent for the Spleen. Also this is certain, that it most wonderfully breaks the Stone, some take it in Syrup or Decoction, others inject the Juyce of it into the Bladder with a Syring; my Opinion is, That the Salt of it taken half a dram in a morning, in a little White or Rhenish Wine is better than either, that it is excellent for the Stone appears by this, which I have seen tried, viz. That a Stone that hath been taken out of the Body of a man being wrapped in Chamomel will in time dissolve, and in a little time too.
Edgenote: Stitches in the Side, Agues, Liver, Spleen, Weariness. Sinews, Swellings, Chollick, Stone, Belly-ach. Cold, Ach, Jaundice, Dropsie, Brain, Cramp, Stitch in the Side.

22.12.2024 J.N.